uo_amckay wrote:
Keiya wrote:
Pinstar1161 wrote:
For those of you feeling restricted by the "no rich sims" restriction, I am working on a re-write that might obliterate that restriction entirely. Some testing needs to be done.
Marrying a rich sim is only gives a great advantage to your founder sim. What about either only restricting your first generation or allowing rich marriages once your family is labeled as being rich...I guess a sort of social caste restriction. At that point, a couple of thousand more shouldn't make that much of a difference.
Great advantage? Where? Most of the "rich" sims don't give you any advantage at all. Maybe Agnes Crumplebottom or one of the Goths would, I don't know, but most of them bring less than 10k. I just had my founder marry Tamara whosit (I'm using my alternate rich rules I laid out about two pages back). I didn't have to sweat deducting a point - she brought a whopping $1,750 and three books to the household. Huge advantage, I'm telling ya. Honestly, you make more selling stolen goods than you would marrying the vast majority of "rich" sims.
True, I've tried marrying rich sims in earlier games I played, and they didn't bring any good fortune to the household (mostly because they shared a household with tons of other people who I didn't want to move in). In my legacy I married my founder with Leighton Sekemoto (quite a handsome sim in my opinion :mrgreen: and good traits and all), he comes with grandma and a son and they brought quite a bit of money actually.