I've started mine and read through this WHOLE thread, and I will start a blog soon probably, but I'm having fun playing right now :) Regarding the family trait variant and ending up not being able to pick your family trait for whatever reason (bad childhood/randomly assigned opposite before you can pick family trait), someone earlier suggested that if your preferred heir isn't able to get the family trait they could be considered the "black sheep" of the family and have to move out as soon as they hit YA. I'm sorry I didn't make a note of whose suggestion that was, but I thought it was a great idea, and I'll be using that rule if this unfortunately happens to me (I have "family oriented" as my family trait, and you can't get that as a baby, I think teenager is the first age you can pick it).
My founder is my avatar, Iris Lee. She was another one who married Connor Frio, who came with a laptop, which was quite exciting! Iris is an elder now, and needs one more promotion to make her lifetime wish of World-Renowned Surgeon. Connor is also an elder now and needs to pump out a few more sci-fi novels to make his wish of Professional Author. Her heir, Cassia, is partway through her teenage years and is very artistic. She is going to be a Master of the Arts. Iris loves family and had twin boys after Cassia, Heath and Basil, who are now school-age (forgot to eat my watermelon!). She then had one last child, Acacia, who is about to grow up from a toddler to a child (and is the Spare).
My tactic with my house is just to keep adding on to it as needed so it ends up sprawling and not a great layout or decor, until eventually when they're rich enough they'll knock it down and start again. It seems to be working well so far!
No major disasters yet, and no horrendous traits (although a few not-so-great ones). Loving the challenge and the direction it gives me for my game! Thanks Pinstar!