Aerri wrote:
Can the nephew of my heir earn legacy points, assuming he still lives on the legacy lot? And the great nephew? (i.e. cousin, second cousin of the heir)
I'm pretty sure it was stated (somewhere way back in the flood of posts) that yes, they can earn points as long as they're still living on the Legacy lot.
And since I'm posting anyhow, I'll go ahead and repost my own question in case it gets lost behind a few pages:
I have a question: Heir mates don't count as part of the bloodline and start earning points until they help bring in the next generation. But what happens if they get a Lifetime Wish before the generation is born? Do they get the point for it when they officially become part of the bloodline, or is the point for it lost, with no chance to ever get it again?
I ask because my third generation Heir just got married, and it turned out that his mate had the "Perfect Garden" LTW, and since the lot has a garden full of perfect plants, she got the LTW completed as soon as she became part of the family. :oops: