SenPain wrote:
Stormfeather wrote:
Also, SenPain... glad you like the legacy! I tend to be a bit long-winded, but hopefully it's still enjoyable. Not sure when I'll update again, I'm guessing probably tomorrow night, but maybe later tonight. We'll see.
I sent the link to my lover (we don't believe in marriage, so we kinda nulled the bf/gf titles) and he likes it too.
I find it much more interesting than reading my own... :cry:
But it cheers me up! :lol:
You give your story, as your writing it, this personal touch that I don't have and it makes me jealous. But.. I guess I could have my own personal touch... I should, right? Doesn't everyone?
On the note of houses:
I got enough money to make my house and made it. Then added onto it till I got what it is now. You can actually download as it is now here.
When I started playing this legacy I got ideas for other legacies too, so I think I'll create a few more after this one, since this one didn't really have a family trait, I might try that.
...I'm all for girl power so matriarchy's all the way!
*Senny's a lil off, we can notice, don't fret, she'll calm down once she has her milk and cookies.
I think pretty much everyone has an individual style, yeah. It's just hard to notice your own, since it's, well, your own style.
And your house is awesome! I was happy with my little island/temple thingy, but the floating house thing is just wicked.
Also... don't ghosts that died in a fire start fires around the lot?
Also also... yeah, I'm getting more ideas for Legacies too, but that's the last thing I need right now when I'm still in the first half of one that's already eating up my time. XD (But yeah, the Jane Austen one is tempting...)