aupdike50 wrote:
Will the Challenge rules be updated at some point with all the mini-rules discussed here in the forum? Or is there a website that lists all of this in a more easily read format? Keeping up with all 74+ pages of this forum is getting difficult. I know I read here somewhere that you could not use the at work options to improve skills, like use the gym if in athletics or practice instruments if in music career but I cannot find that again for the life of me in all these pages and pages and pages of blurbs to know if it was addressed by Pinstar or not...and I really would like to use these options but have opted not to just in case its cheating! It seems only realistic though, that you'd hone your skills at the work place. I do most of my learning at work these days, especially if career related. So how could that be cheating?
I'm sure there are many other little tidbits that folks have asked about that should be added to the rules...anyone know of a place where all has been incorporated or are we on our own to take Pinstars rules as they are and go thru the forum and just incorporate the new ones ourselves, like on a scratch pad or something? i know he mentioned uploading this to the lagacy challenge website...but the one I found hasn't been updated since I in the wrong place?
To answer the last question first (or guess at it), I'm guessing that Pinstar just hasn't gotten around to updating the actual site yet. Not sure why. Maybe he has to remember how? ;)
As far as wading through 74 pages for rules goes, I wouldn't worry about it - the only thing really in those pages has been a) rules clarifications (which are helpful, but not new rules), and b) suggested optional rules by other people, optional challenges, etc.. Which would be the stuff like the no training skills at work, like you pointed out. That's not an actual "official" rule, or even an official optional challenge or anything, it's just something one person (if i recall) is doing with their own personal game for some reason.
As for any rules that *have* been actually updated, Pinstar's been editing the first post with the rules to reflect that, so you don't have to hunt through for them. (Like it used to be that you couldn't sell things you stole, but that got changed, and now the first page rules posting shows that.)