I'd just like to thank Pinstar for doing this amazing challenge in the first place. It didn't fit with my play style in TS2 but it kept me playing TS3 off and on through the past few years. I started it almost as soon as I got TS3 and found out I couldn't control my entire neighborhood. I think I got to generation 6 before my game got corrupted (yeah I had multiple saves but the game just stopped being playable at all even with a fresh game). I think my computer had something to do with it. I started over on my laptop and so far with generation 3, things are running fine. Again, it's kept me playing TS3.
I think one of the major things the legacy had forced me to do is playing different Sims. In TS2, I constantly played the same personality types. I would never have chosen an insane kleptomaniac on PURPOSE! Being forced to let the game select random personality traits has been hilarious! The other day, I noticed one of my Sims kept stealing things from work. I couldn't figure out why until I double-checked his personality traits. *laughs*
This has let me enjoy seeing many behaviors I would have missed with my boring romantic well behaved Sims. So thank you, Pinstar! When the price of TS4 comes down or I cave in, perhaps I'll give your challenge a try in TS4.
Sim on!