If EA wanted to produce an Ultimate TS3 collection then there would be an issue with the current game being only 32 bit. This was not uncommon 10 years ago when the game was launched, however modern computers want and expect 64 bit games. Given that EA recently stopped supporting the 32 bit version of TS4, it is unlikely to want to support a 32 bit re-issue of TS3.
An issue of a 64 bit version would require a virtual rewrite of the programming. EA is simply not resourced to do this and would probably weigh the cost of upgrading against possible revenues from the sale of an Ultimate collection. Given most TS3 players already invested when they bought the base game and packs first time round, it is unlikely they would want to invest again. This leaves the few newer players who are still collecting and competition for their money from TS4 and possibly future versions. As it is sales of the current game and store content must still be bringing in reasonable revenue or else the store would have closed a long time ago.
Personally I would only consider an Ultimate collection in 64 bit if it came in disk format and the known bugs and issues had been properly addressed. As they should have been when TS3 was the current version.
Your best bet is to wait for Steam or Origin sales, check remainders bins for disks if you want those and wait for store content to come up on the daily deals. It is more work but the fun of collecting is finding things over time, especially if you can get them for a cheaper price.