I did a makeover of Karlie Goldberg from Isla Paradiso. I forgot to take a before shot, so sorry but the before pic is a low quality thumbnail from the Internet.
And I gave Bob Newbie and Betty Simovich a shot. They are married in my Riverview game and are both still YA's.
@Peach77 I liked the eyebrows you put on Bob a lot, but I couldn't find them in my game so can you tell me if they are CC? And if so, where you got them?
As for Betty, I changed her eye color to gray. For those of you who played TS2, didn't Brandi Broke (Bob and Betty's daughter) have gray eyes? In Riverview both of them have brown eyes. How did Brandi get gray eyes? I'm either totally misremembering this or it's just another example of how The Sims Team didn't really stick with the history of the game, I guess.