10 years ago
Townie Makeovers...
I was fooling around in Sunset today and decided to make over a few Townies, I only did new hairstyles/colors, facial hair, sometimes eye color, makeup and "tans", but no facial features were tweaked ...
"jillbg;14477858" wrote:
@thuggishsplicer I love gow they turn out when you age them up! :)
@PixelsSquared That Uni guy was OK, but turned out really good!
@Peach77 Bob Newbie is just so realistic! WOW! :)
@Charlottesmom You've been really busy! Gosh, they all look better than before! :)
I picked out some teens from different towns who had a background that I could use in The Grey Witches when Taïga had to spend 6 months at Appaloosa Plains Youth Ranch for a misdemeanor...
Elspeth Cook (Evil Bitch), 17, Bridgeport, is not a happy teenager. The lack of love in the household has pushed her into rebellion. Promising herself not to follow in her corrupt politician father or groomed-within-an-inch-of-her-life-money-loving mother’s footsteps, she throws herself into the arms of Michael Love who happens to be big movie star Matthew Hamming’s little brother. He also happens to be 24 years old… Soon pregnant with Michael’s child, Matthew Hamming had to use his influence to get his brother out of trouble. Elspeth's father saw to it minor Elspeth was sent away – first to get an abortion and then straight to Appaloosa Plains… But did she really follow the doctor’s orders?EA version: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/sims/images/f/f8/Elspeth_Cook.png/revision/latest?cb=20110418101751&path-prefix=fr
Made over (with Chase Bayless and Taïga Grey):