Forum Discussion

bb_yuyuu's avatar
7 years ago

Turning on V-Sync

Hi there,

I would like to enable v-sync as I heard it will help with game performance.. and anything to make Sims 3 run smoother I'm always down for.
However I am a complete noob when it comes to this and I'm posting to get some advice from ya'll..
Do the settings look alright? Also, Vertical Sync has multiple options - Off, On, Adaptive, Adaptive (half refresh rate) and Fast.
What is the difference between these options, and which one should I select?

Thanks :)

  • You could also try switching on Triple Buffering on the Control Panel if you haven't already.

    Which card do you have, again? (getting a few threads/players mixed up now, sorry) The higher end ones will have stutter if the game camera is moved around quickly or if you are playing at high speeds (more than 1-Normal). You could turn down Detailed Lots to 2 or so, and Water/Reflections to one of the middle settings. Other than that, there likely isn't much you can do about it if it's otherwise tolerable.
  • I'll try out the Triple Buffering :)

    I currently have the GeForce GTX 1050 Ti card. I've been playing consecutively for the past few days without any major stuttering like this one, at normal speed of course. I know that stuttering at higher speeds (2-4) is normal. I have had Detailed Lots and Water settings just as you suggested for a while now..

    Oh well, I'll try out Triple buffering and see how that goes.
    Just another quick question - it is still recommended to keep v-sync on? As in is it almost a compulsory thing to do for your computer? :D