Forum Discussion

AbellaKellaher's avatar
6 years ago


Store's been down for 2 days... And the wedding gown I bought but didn't DL right away is there just waiting for me... And the wedding is today... It's like the seamstress isn't going to have your dress done on time and so you have to go with something generic off the rack on clearance. :/

3 Replies

  • I just tried the store, and I got something to download, using Firefox. (Chrome and Safari don't get along well with the store.) (And also, I'm on a Mac, because TS3 isn't uncooperative enough already.) But I did have a bit of trouble convincing the download to start. I opened my launcher first, which is usually necessary these days, but when Firefox asked me to select an "app" to open the download, my pack icons didn't work. The base game icon did, though, so try switching which one you use to download.

    Also, as usual, clear your browser caches, including the one for Internet Explorer. The store and launcher use it even if you don't.
  • hrmm that's weird I get "Be Right Back!Our site appears to be down right now. Don’t worry, we have one of our best people working on it."
  • Gah, had to clear my cookies apparently. Glad I posted, I don't think I would have thought to otherwise lol