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DJKanine9's avatar
4 years ago

Warrior Cats Legacy Challenge

Hello, everyone! I figured I'd bring my take on the Warrior Cats Legacy challenge to the Sims forums, and I think it'd be fun to update my current challenge story here, too! Feel free to post your own stories and progress as well-- I'd love to see them.

EPs Required: Pets

The Goal
Raise the most successful clan as you can for as many generations as possible. In simple terms, don't break the rules!

Getting Started

1. Go into CAS and name the randomly-generated Sim (or rather, Twoleg for this challenge) whatever you like as well as give them whatever traits, but there is no need to alter their appearance. They will still be of use to you, but it will not be necessary to make them look presentable. If you have the University Life EP, you are also allowed to make them a Plant Sim and use them as the 'Spirit of the Land' (inspired by the Warrior Cats Challenge let's play of Seri Pixel Biologist-- if you haven't already, go ahead and check it out! It's an amazing watch).

2. Create one-three cats. Their appearances, traits, and roles are up to you. Usually people would say you should use only natural colors, but you know what I say? Screw it; your game, your cats. You could even make Rainbowclan, or Neonclan, or heck, even Pixelclan. It's all up to you, it's not my place to tell you how to make your cats.

3. After you have created your Twoleg and cats, buy them an empty home lot, preferably a small to medium lot. This is only a small part of your territory, and it will hold your Clan's camp and basic hunting territory. If you want to, you can create "wild" lots in Edit Map mode which are available for you to buy as private property and therefore make part of your territory. However, if you want your territory to solely be one lot, be my guest.

4. (OPTIONAL-- IF YOU'RE GOING THE SPIRIT OF THE LAND ROUTE, THERE IS NO NEED TO DO THIS.) Now that you've got your empty lot, you'll first have to create a small den for your Twoleg, inescapable from the inside and unaccessible from the outside unless you so choose to let them out. Give your Twoleg the basic necessities that they will need to survive. A computer would be nice as well, since it will be useful for adoption and social interaction.

5. After the Twoleg's den has been built, make your cats' territory and camp! Be creative, you can create anything you want for your cats to live in. The sky is the limit! Swamps, deserts, heck, even extraterrestrial biomes are all possibilities! You could even create some sort of cave system or a complex array of rivers for the camp. Make sure you have all the dens:
- Leader
- Warriors
- Apprentices
- Nursery
- Elders
- Medicine Cat

If you want certain prey items to spawn, hold down Ctrl + Shift + C and type in 'testingcheatsenabled true', press enter, and then do the same with the word 'buydebug.' Go to buy mode, then click the Categories menu. There will be a category with the symbol '?' on it. The debug menu contains spawners and a variety of other items.

6. After that, it is recommended to furnish your territory/camp with things like:
- Pet houses (Used for sleeping as well as for trying for kits. This one is actually essential, unless you have a separate designated spot on the map where cats go for mating.)
- Pet beds
- Cat condos (VERY useful. It can be used as a bed and as a scratching post, with multiple spots of capacity for many cats to fulfill their needs at the same time.)
- Toy box (At least two, and only with the cat toys inside. You can also get the foil and paper ball toys from the buyDebug menu. They look like rocks. Also, yarn balls could be like little moss balls for the kits if you color them green.)
- Scratching posts (This is optional, since the claw moodlet does nothing for your cat, but it could serve as a mood boost and prevent your cats from getting sick.)

(Note that this is what is established in the books-- you don't particularly have to follow this to a T. It's your own Clan, feel free to get creative!)

Leader - The cat in charge of the Clan, given nine lives by StarClan. Their word is law and they are the ones who conduct ceremonies.

Deputy - The leader's right hand cat. They will be the one to step up to the leader position, should the current leader die whilst they are in the position of deputy.

Warrior - The cats who hunt and defend the clan.

Apprentice - Kits that have grown six moons old and are thus considered old enough to begin training. They are assigned to a warrior or medicine cat and train under their mentor until they are ready for their warrior/medicine cat name and status.

Queen - She-cats that bear and nurse kits.

Kit - Cats under six moons old who still need care from queens.

Medicine Cat - The cat who communicates with Starclan and heals ailments. They are usually not allowed to have kits, as they must consider the entire clan their kits.

Elder - Cats who have grown too old to properly perform their duties. They are usually highly respected among their clan for surviving so long despite the harsh environment of the wild.

Adding Members

As you might be thinking right now, one to three cats is obviously not enough to sustain a large population over multiple generations. So how do we keep our numbers afloat? There are a number of different ways to add new cats to the Clan:

1. You may create multiple rogue/loner cats and scatter them across the map for your Clan to meet and interact with. If you so choose, you can recruit any number of suitable members to your group.

2. You may adopt cats from the shelter to add to the Clan, which can be considered the same as taking in any stray rogue from the world. This is a good option for anyone who would rather not spend the time creating new rogues from scratch.

3. Kits, of course! You may have as many kits at whatever rate you want-- however, I wouldn't overdo things on that front. Too many mouths to feed will make things difficult, and too many cats from one bloodline will make it harder to find suitable romantic partners!

Randomly Generated Events (optional, but highly recommended!)

Yet another feature highly inspired by Seri! It's not completely necessary to use them, but random generators add a factor of risk and unpredictability to everything your cats go through. Think of it like a singleplayer Warrior Cats-themed DnD campaign!

For example, if you notice a cat failing to catch a snake, you could roll a die, random generator, etc. to determine whether or not that cat got a venomous bite. If the cat has gotten a bite and your medicine cat fails to cure them, they could very possibly die, costing you a valuable warrior.

Everyone has their own unique parameters and events that they go by-- however, if the task of creating generators feels daunting, here are a few basic ones to go by! Feel free to use them in your own game, or use them as inspiration to make your own generators. These are intended to be used with a random number generator, from 1 to 100.

1 - 33 ~ Mild
34 - 66 ~ Moderate
67 - 100 ~ Severe

1 - 5 ~ Nothing happens
6 - 100 ~ They contract a contagious illness (roll ILLNESS SEVERITY)

CAT'S MOOD COLOR WORSENS (Portrait and Plumbob Color):
1 - 50 ~ Nothing happens
51 - 100 ~ Cat falls ill (roll ILLNESS SEVERITY)

1 - 30 ~ They are unharmed
31 - 75 ~ They are injured (roll INJURY SEVERITY)
76 - 100 ~ They are killed

1 - 75 ~ Healthy, nothing out of the ordinary
76 - 90 ~ Stillborn
91 - 100 ~ Born with a condition (roll BIRTH CONDITION)

1 - 20 ~ Mild Handicap
21 - 40 ~ Severe Handicap
41 - 60 ~ Blind
61 - 80 ~ Deaf
81 - 100 ~ Frail Constitution

Ailments (to be used with random generators)

Venom - If not cured within three days of taking in venom, the patient will die.

Food Poisoning / Ingested Poison - Range from mild to severe. Depending on how bad it is, a cat could only need some time to rest, or die if the poison is not removed from their system.

Injuries - Range from mild to moderate to severe. Depending on how bad they are, a cat could only need a few days and some herbs to fully heal, or even die if they're left without treatment.

Illness - Range from mild to moderate to severe. Depending on how bad it is, a cat could only need a few days and some herbs to fully heal, or even die if they're left without treatment.

Birth Conditions (to be used with random generators)

Mild Handicap - The cat is able to move on their own, but unable to do certain actions such as hunting, running, etc.

Severe Handicap - The cat cannot move without assistance, they must spend the majority of their time in their nest.

Blindness - Usually, the cat requires assistance to roam around, however, they are capable of moving as well as any other cat.

Deafness - The cat can roam around and move as they please, however it will be harder for them to socialize since they cannot hear.

Frail Constitution - The cat cannot perform any heavy duties like hunting or fighting. They will automatically die if they get into a fight with a stronger cat.


1. The only mods allowed are mods that help increase the amount of Sims and Pets in your family, and the mod I linked down below.

2. Having your cats drink water is cheating since it fills up their hunger. A way I suggest to prevent this is by rolling a random generator for a cat to potentially catch a contagious disease when they drink, thus setting up a sort of "punishment" for cheating.

3. You cannot change the results once an event is rolled. What happens is what happens, even if you don't like it.

4. (Most important rule) Have fun!

Losing Conditions:

1. Your cats got taken away by the social workers.

2. All of your cats died.

3. Your Clan was disbanded.

Recommended Mods:

nraas WooHooer ~ Allows you to try for kittens even when your household is "full."

nraas PortraitPanel ~ Allows you to have more then the maximum amount of Sim portraits in the game, so it doesn't glitch out when you get more cats.

nraas Mover ~ Allows you to merge two households together or move a cat in even when the household is full.

nraas MasterController (+ Cheat module) ~ Honestly, this is an essential mod for any Sims 3 player, really. It has a good many features, such as renaming cats, changing traits, changing skill points, adding cats to the household, etc.

More Filling Prey Items (Mod the Sims) ~ Allows your cats to become full after eating just one piece of prey. VERY helpful.

2 Replies

  • ???Clan ~ Chapter 1.1

    (Reposted from my original WCL thread in Mod the Sims)

    CW: DESCRIPTIONS AND IMAGES OF CARTOON (ISH?) BLOOD AND ANIMAL VIOLENCE WITHIN THE SPOILER. Unsure if it counts as inappropriate-- if it does, please let me know and I will remove the segment from this post.


    "No... this can't be... Ripplestep, what have you done?!"

    "I-- It's not my fault! It's not like I meant to scratch that deep!"

    The black and white she-cat stared at the figures that surrounded her with wide, shocked blue eyes, spine arched and fur standing on end. Although the red didn't show through the black of her legs, she could feel the sickening ooze of blood between her claws, a metallic stench burning in the back of her throat. Her stomach lurched, skin crawling and frame quivering.

    Around her, figures whispered and muttered amongst themselves. Before her laid a brown tabby tom, unmoving and just barely breathing.

    "I thought even you were better than this. Where is your honor and sense of duty to the Clan?"

    "Oh, she'll never be deputy now..."

    "Not that she had the chance before. Who would want her next in line for leader?"

    "Envy and too much ambition can do scary things to a cat, can't they?"

    "And she wonders why Galestar chose to promote him instead."

    Hissing, she whipped around and lashed her tail even as her body continued to quake, as if it would silence any of the voices. "Shut up! SHUT UP! This would never have happened if I'd just been chosen! He lost because he was weaker than me, you got that?! He was weaker!"

    She argued and swiped savagely at the shadowy silhouettes, desperate to quiet them. They dissipated between her claws, all of them fading away until only one still stood to step out of the shadows.

    In an instant, the gall she'd worked up to shout back dissolved like cobweb in the rain, her figure instinctively shrinking back when she realized who she was facing.

    "... Ripplestep. It pains me to have to do this-- you were one of our most skilled warriors in your time here."

    "Galestar... wait-- I-- "

    "However. As it stands now, you have proven to me time and time again that you are unable to put the wellbeing of the Clan before your own sense of stubbornness and pride."

    "You can't do this. Look, I'm sorry I fought with-- "

    "I cannot allow you to stay any longer."

    "Father, please!"

    "... Leave. Now. If you have any respect at all for yourself or for me, you will walk out of our territory with humility and you will not come back."

    ". . ."

    "You have until sunrise to leave this territory. I will be sending patrols to look for you, and if they find you, they will deal with you the way we deal with any intruder. Do you understand?"

    The she-cat could only stand there for a moment, eyes wide and breath trapped in her chest. The sorrow that gleamed in her eyes turned quickly into rage, and she scoffed and whipped around, stalking out of the camp with her head hung low. The eyes of all who used to be her Clanmates burned into her pelt every step of the way, until she disappeared into the undergrowth.

    . . .

    . .


    Mismatched blue eyes cracked open, blinking blearily in the weak rays of the barely-risen sun. The lone she-cat lifted her head, taking in her still so unfamiliar surroundings. The absence of her old home's lively clamor didn't go unnoticed to her ears-- the early morning quiet, with the birds chirping in the trees and the breeze gently stirring the grass, was almost eerie to her.

    Huffing, she sat up, ears folding back in displeasure.

    ... great. As if dealing with it once in real life was bad enough, I had to relive that fox dung all over again in my sleep.

    Stretching her front paws out and parting her jaws in a large yawn, she trudged out of her makeshift den to go about her new, painfully dull daily routine.

    Stalking prey, growing impatient, scaring them off and leaving herself with an empty belly... taking her frustration out on the saplings that speckled the patch of woodland and the balls of moss she'd earlier scraped up out of pure boredom...

    ...trying - and failing - to keep her mind off of the fresh emotional wounds currently embedded in her heart.

    "Stupid Falconclaw... stupid Galestar... stupid RockClan...!" she hissed under her breath. "What do they know, anyways?"

    Unsheathing her claws, she struck the moss ball with the full force of her frustration, breaking it into a plethora of crumbly pieces and deeply scoring the dirt beneath it.

    "I could've been a great deputy-- a great leader! The greatest ever known, in fact!" she continued, tail lashing furiously. She immediately pounced for the next moss ball, subjecting it to the same violent fate. "None of them know what they're talking about! Did any of those mousebrains have even half my skill in fighting or hunting? Not even the faintest chance. I'll bet not even Galestar could've beat me in a fair fight! They all should've known that, and yet..."

    She let out a shuddering huff, digging her claws into the already thoroughly-abused ground and glaring at it as if it had personally offended her.

    "... stubbornness and pride, huh? What respectable warrior - or leader, in fact - doesn't have either of those things?"

    The she-cat would have resumed in her angered ramblings, had she not heard the rustling of foliage up at the edge of the cliff. She turned to face the potential threat, completely ready to launch herself at whatever it may be.

    "Um..." A white-mitted paw emerged from the brush, and following it was a thick-furred gray she-cat, eyes wide and bewildered. "I thought I heard a voice nearby. Have I... walked in on something I shouldn't have?"

    The exile relaxed her posture with a scoff. So it was just some wandering rogue-- and obviously a passive one, too. Had she still been a Clan cat, she would've been more than glad to shred the other she-cat's ears off, but she had no obligation to waste her energy on that now. Besides, this was the first cat she'd seen in days... even if she did very unpleasantly reek of Twolegplace.

    "Shouldn't a cat like you be hanging around with the Twolegs and the dogs or something?" she remarked, snidely.

    The stormy gray cat blinked, the insult seeming to have flown right over her head. "Oh, me? No, the pellets they try to feed us are too bland. I usually like to go here to hunt, even if the others call me crazy for it. You're the only other cat I've seen venture out this far-- in fact, I think this is the first time I've seen you at all."

    Before the larger she-cat could respond, the rogue was already trotting down the sloped entrance to the makeshift camp. It was greatly baffling, how easily it seemed to come to her-- it was almost as if she wasn't dealing with a cat twice as muscled as she was. At any given moment, she could be flat on the ground in seconds, and it wouldn't even be difficult to achieve.

    The black and white cat watched her make her way down, bewildered.

    "...are you stupid?"

    The rogue stopped in front of her. "No, I'm Dawn. It's nice to meet you."

    Dawn flicked her tail, a gesture of relaxation and mirth. Her turquoise eyes met the Clan cat's unabashedly, without a hint of hesitance. Whatever misguided confidence or ignorance she was presenting right now... it wasn't being faked for the sake of self-preservation. "... and your name is?"

    The jaded she-cat scowled at her. What was she playing at? "... Ripplest-- "

    She stopped.

    Did she really want to use the name given to her by the very Clan that cast her out? That failed to see the good she could do?

    Did she want to use the name that symbolized her allegiance to a group of weaklings and disgraces? I refuse.

    She was better than them. She could do better on her own than all of them combined. If she'd been leader, they could've been prosperous. They could've thrived.

    It was their loss. Not hers.

    Trying to take her mind off of it once more, she eyed the she-cat in front of her. Absolutely too soft for the usual Clan cat. But as far as Twoleg-dependent rogues and loners went... she was something that could be worked on.

    And she hunts, doesn't she? Hmph. What a shame for it to be wasted on the life of a rogue.

    It was a passive thought in that moment, but right then and there-- it hit her.

    So she was denied the position of deputy. So she was exiled from her Clan.

    Since when did that mean she should give up? Why couldn't she take this opportunity to create something of her own? Something greater than they could ever be?

    Yeah... yeah! I don't need them to lead a Clan. If they're so insistent on staying weak, why don't I just build up a group of my own? Of strong cats, who won't settle for the lesser option?

    She knew right then and there what her new name would be.

    "Uh... Ripplest? You've been staring at me for an uncomfortably-- "

    "My name is Ripplestar."


    "I said my name is Ripplestar. So-- I have a question for you. How would you like to live here, too?"


    good gosh it's been a while since i wrote that much.

    And so, we've been introduced to our latest founder, Ripplestar. I used the personality generator as the baseline for her character-- and it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be to make the founder kind of a jerk for a change! Will she end up having character development, for better or worse? Who knows? I definitely don't. The next update will most likely be a sub-chapter.

    Anyways, here are some unused screenshots.

  • alright guys gals and nonbinary pals, it's cats time

    as i stated would probably be the case before, this is a sub-chapter!


    Last time where we left off, our founder Ripplestar had been kicked out of her Clan for being too aggressive and prideful for her own (or anyone else's) good.

    So of course, like any perfectly reasonable person would do in such a situation, she decided to build her own Clan from scratch, purely out of spite.

    Her first recruit is the very agreeable Dawn, who hardly knows what's going on but is perfectly happy to be here nonetheless.

    The two she-cats spent a while training together in peace and quiet, honing Dawn's hunting skill and getting the prey pile a bit more full to accommodate the new cats they would be recruiting. As it turns out, Dawn is a rather gifted fisher cat!

    It wouldn't be long before a new pair of cats would wander into the territory, both of which Ripplestar and Dawn wasted no time in assessing.

    The first being Strawberry, an unfortunately rather lazy and self-serving cat-- not the best fit for the Clan Ripplestar envisioned. Had she not been effectively scared away by the self-proclaimed leader's aggressive tussling herself, she would've been driven out anyways.

    On the other hand, however, she was accompanied by a much more suitable recruit: a gung-ho, energetic tom name Phoenix! Largely unfazed by Ripplestar's sharp tongue and particularly good with land hunting, he passed the test and was brought in as one of the Clan's founders.

    Funnily enough, Ripplestar lost a fight to a raccoon! Thankfully, Phoenix was there to scare it off.

    Due to the fact that I'm not using random generators until the Clan is established, she lived, but she might not be so lucky the next time her aggression gets the best of her-- after all, she may have assigned herself the position of leader, but StarClan never gave her any extra lives.

    On a lighter note though, Dawn shared tongues so often with the other cats that she ended up getting a hairball and vomiting. Nasty.

    Next up to the plate were a pair of toms: the fiercely loyal Crumble (the reddish one), and the rather foppish Earl (the blue-ish one).

    Crumble's recruitment was a no-brainer, with how diligently he liked to guard the fresh-kill pile and how well he got along with most of the other cats-- Ripplestar being an exception, because she doesn't get along with anybody, except maybe Dawn.

    As for Earl, seeing as Ripplestar was the highest in authority currently present, his first move was to attempt to charm his way into the leader's good graces.

    ... yeah. Not happening with this she-cat, buddy.

    Poor Dawn on the other hand had seemed to take a fancy to him-- and he was not a cat to let someone down gently. Especially not after the recent wound that was inflicted on his pride.

    Unwanted advances aside, Earl did prove to be an efficient enough hunter. And after a bit of convincing on Dawn's part, Ripplestar begrudgingly allowed him into the Clan.

    The first Clan meeting was held on a quiet evening, with all cats having been called to the front of Ripplestar's den.

    With the group now being an established Clan, they were all given their own Clan names: Dawn is now Minnowstream, Phoenix - assigned medicine cat - is now Brightflame, Crumble - assigned deputy - is now Rowanpelt, and Earl is now Dappledsky. As a group, they were hereby dubbed LakeClan.

    And so, with a group of decently capable cats to call her Clan, Ripplestar's first hurdle in the path towards prosperity is now out of the way.

    The real challenge has just begun.



    Ripplestar (S)
    This cat is unhandicapped. They are a natural leader, selfish, and needy, and aspire to become a leader.
    Ripplestar is a mottled black and white she-cat with heterochromatic blue eyes.

    This cat is unhandicapped. They are a natural leader, stubborn, and loyal, and aspire to become a survivor.
    A white, reddish brown, and black tom with brown eyes and floppy ears.

    This cat is unhandicapped. They are energetic, courageous, and humble, and aspire to become a healer.
    A ginger tabby tom with a white underbelly and vibrant green eyes.


    Minnowstream (S)
    This cat is unhandicapped. They are a natural follower, responsible, and needy, and aspire to become a nurturer.
    A long-furred gray she-cat with white mitts and turquoise eyes.

    This cat is unhandicapped. They are selfish, indifferent, and narrow minded, and aspire to become a hero.
    A blue-gray tom with black spots and heterochromatic eyes.


    and now, some unused screenshots that i really liked but couldn't fit into the sub-chapter:


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