3 years agoLegend
Wilderness Hideout- Suspense Story updated 3/16/22
This story is based on the book by Hope White.
The roles have been reversed though, and the writing is my own as to not infringe copyright issues.
Storyline follows the book but has some changes.
This one's based on a book I just finished reading and thought it would make a good story for sims.
It was called "Wilderness Hideout" Only difference is I reversed roles, so the female is the rancher and the male is the scientist.
"Keep running you fool" Jacob thought as he made haste through the forest.
His head aching from a mix of dehydration and an adrenaline.He couldn't stop now,
not if he wanted to escape his attacker.He picked up the pace and continued to run
as quickly as his legs would carry him.
"DR Rush, please I just have to speak with you." The older gentleman called out.
Jacob didn't know who this man was. His only guess was that the man wanted his information
on his current research project. Jacob was a neuroscientist working for Cambridge University, his
current project: To find a natural cure for autoimmune disease. His guess was that this man worked
for a pharmaceutical company, seeking to stop Jacob and his research; if they had found a natural cure,
the market for medicines would plummet.
Jacob: I haven't the foggiest idea who you are.
Stranger: But I know you, and I do have one message for you Doctor Rush.
Stranger: Now to be rid of you once and for all.
The man dragged Jacob to the cliff, tossing him into the river below.
Stranger: Shouldn't be a bother no more.
"Are you okay? Come on wake up?" A voice called out to Jacob. HIs head
was throbbing and he could barely move. "Uh, what happened? Where am I?"
He said trying to sit up. "You nearly drowned, but its alright, your safe." Jacob slowly
rose, rubbing his eyes. Realizing he wasn't alone, he jumped to his feet, ready to defend
himself from what he thought was another attacker.
Jacob: I'm not giving you any of my information, so you can get away
from me.
Stranger: So that's how we say "Thanks" for pulling you out of the river.
Jacob: You....what?
Stranger: I'm Brianna.I pulled you out of the river, I heard you yelling and
ran to see what was going on.But I can very easily toss you back in.
Jacob: And you would enjoy doing that, wouldn't you.
Brianna: What are you rattling on about?
Jacob: Don't lie, I know you must be working with my attacker.
Why else would you want to help me?
Brianna: I dunno, maybe because I don't let people die, if I can help
Jacob felt that Brianna was telling the truth, yet he didn't feel comfortable
with his rescuer. Why would someone be out here all alone?
Brianna: What happened?
Jacob: I was attacked...I think by someone who is after my research.
Brianna: Research?
Jacob: I'm a neuroscientist, studying natural cures for autoimmune
Brianna: That sounds incredibly
Jacob: Boring? Yes I know, thanks for stating the obvious.
Brianna: You didn't let me finish, I was actually going to say interesting.
Jacob: That's a first most people find it boring.Ugh, my head feels like I been
hit by a train.
Brianna: You probably have a concussion, let me get you some ice.
Jacob: No thank you....I'll take care of myself.
Jacob knew he was out here doing research, but he wasn't remembering
what he had discovered...Was it the concussion that was causing his memory
loss? Perhaps he should receive medical attention, but he hadn't the time for
such nonsense.If someone was out to get him, he needed to protect his research.
Brianna: I tried 911 again, there is no cell service out here...Your best bet is to come in
to town and use a phone there...My home has a can call the authorities.
Jacob was hesitant to take up Brianna's offer. He still wasn't sure what
her motive was for helping him; but it seemed he had little choice. What
if she was telling the truth? Then he would be left out here alone with an
Jacob: Alright...but just to use a phone...I'm not one for accepting help
Brianna: Why is that? You think you're too smart to receive help? Everyone
needs help once in a while.
Jacob ignored Brianna's words, as he hobbled toward the road where her
car packed. It was a quiet drive back to Meadow Glen, an area he had never
been to before. Questions were filling his head. Who was this girl? What was her
motive? What was it that he was on the brink of discovery? And how to get rid of
his attacker? The car came to an abrupt stop, which snapped Jacob back into reality.
Brianna led Jacob into the kitchen; where an elderly woman was busy
baking."Momma, I'm home." Sarah turned quickly to greet her daughter;
and quickly looked Jacob over. "Who is this?" Sarah asked curiously.
Brianna: This is Doctor Rush, with Cambridge Univeristy.He needs
a phone to call work; apparently got attacked in the mountains.
Sarah looked over again at her guest,trying to study him without being
too obvious."Of course, the phone is in the living room."
Jacob: Detective Harper? Its Jacob...
Harper: We were very worried! I have search teams out looking
for you.
Jacob: I was attacked down by the lake, by an older gentleman...Detective Harper,
this man tried to kill me.
Harper: He's probably after your research, Jacob.
Jacob: That's what I thought as well...I don't know what to do, but I'm
stranded out here.
Harper: Actually, its probably best if you lay low for a while, if you could find
shelter where you are, I'll start an investigation into this.
Jacob: Are you telling me not to come back? What about our presentation?
Harper: I will try to get that postponed, I think for now you best stay in hiding.
Jacob hung up the phone and sighed in annoyance. Not only did he have to
find somewhere to stay, he had to put his work on hold...It was going to be a long
stressful night for Jacob.
Brianna: Poor guy is all shook up.Not even a thank you.And he
accused me of wanting information.
Sarah: He's probably just afraid is all.You might want to check in
and make sure all is well.
Brianna: You look disturbed.
Jacob: I am disturbed....the police are going to start an investigation;
however I have to stay in hiding....I can't do that! I have work to do...whatever
it was...I can't even remember exactly what I was working on.
Brianna; Its probably your concussion, it will come back to you.Have faith..
Jacob: I don't believe in a higher power..
Brianna; That's alright, you can still have hope.
Mother says your more than welcomed to refugee here...
And before you say you don't accept help, my mother doesn't take no for
an answer.
Jacob sighed.Brianna was a difficult person to argue with.Part of Jacob
understood where she was coming from, though he blamed that on his
concussion; but another part was still questioning, why they would put
their safety in jeopody,to help him.
A pretty little girl came running into the living room, excited
and happy to see Brianna.
Miri: Brie! Brie! You're back.
Brianna: I sure am munchkin, how was school.
Miri: We made wooden animals today - hold up owl-
Brianna: Aww, you made an owl! That's so cute.
Jacob: Did you know owls have three eyelids?
Miri: No way! Really?!
Jacob: Yup, they have three to protect their eyes. The
upper and lower are normal. The third is to clean the eyes.
Miri: No way!! Daddy! -runs to tell her dad-
Brianna; You just made her day with that.
Jacob: Is that your daughter?
Brianna: No, that's my niece.
Jacob: By any chance, did you find a bag with me filled
with equipment?
Brianna: Actually, I did, its in my car.
Brianna: Are you sure you don't wanna stay in the main house, guest room?
Jacob: I like to keep to myself. Staying in the loft is perfect for me actually.
Jacob was used to being alone. He hadn't the time nor the energy to invest in
friendships; his life was dedicated to his work, and he planned on keeping it that
way.Brianna left him to get settled in; and went to help her mother in the kitchen.
The roles have been reversed though, and the writing is my own as to not infringe copyright issues.
Storyline follows the book but has some changes.
This one's based on a book I just finished reading and thought it would make a good story for sims.
It was called "Wilderness Hideout" Only difference is I reversed roles, so the female is the rancher and the male is the scientist.
"Keep running you fool" Jacob thought as he made haste through the forest.
His head aching from a mix of dehydration and an adrenaline.He couldn't stop now,
not if he wanted to escape his attacker.He picked up the pace and continued to run
as quickly as his legs would carry him.
"DR Rush, please I just have to speak with you." The older gentleman called out.
Jacob didn't know who this man was. His only guess was that the man wanted his information
on his current research project. Jacob was a neuroscientist working for Cambridge University, his
current project: To find a natural cure for autoimmune disease. His guess was that this man worked
for a pharmaceutical company, seeking to stop Jacob and his research; if they had found a natural cure,
the market for medicines would plummet.
Jacob: I haven't the foggiest idea who you are.
Stranger: But I know you, and I do have one message for you Doctor Rush.
Stranger: Now to be rid of you once and for all.
The man dragged Jacob to the cliff, tossing him into the river below.
Stranger: Shouldn't be a bother no more.
"Are you okay? Come on wake up?" A voice called out to Jacob. HIs head
was throbbing and he could barely move. "Uh, what happened? Where am I?"
He said trying to sit up. "You nearly drowned, but its alright, your safe." Jacob slowly
rose, rubbing his eyes. Realizing he wasn't alone, he jumped to his feet, ready to defend
himself from what he thought was another attacker.
Jacob: I'm not giving you any of my information, so you can get away
from me.
Stranger: So that's how we say "Thanks" for pulling you out of the river.
Jacob: You....what?
Stranger: I'm Brianna.I pulled you out of the river, I heard you yelling and
ran to see what was going on.But I can very easily toss you back in.
Jacob: And you would enjoy doing that, wouldn't you.
Brianna: What are you rattling on about?
Jacob: Don't lie, I know you must be working with my attacker.
Why else would you want to help me?
Brianna: I dunno, maybe because I don't let people die, if I can help
Jacob felt that Brianna was telling the truth, yet he didn't feel comfortable
with his rescuer. Why would someone be out here all alone?
Brianna: What happened?
Jacob: I was attacked...I think by someone who is after my research.
Brianna: Research?
Jacob: I'm a neuroscientist, studying natural cures for autoimmune
Brianna: That sounds incredibly
Jacob: Boring? Yes I know, thanks for stating the obvious.
Brianna: You didn't let me finish, I was actually going to say interesting.
Jacob: That's a first most people find it boring.Ugh, my head feels like I been
hit by a train.
Brianna: You probably have a concussion, let me get you some ice.
Jacob: No thank you....I'll take care of myself.
Jacob knew he was out here doing research, but he wasn't remembering
what he had discovered...Was it the concussion that was causing his memory
loss? Perhaps he should receive medical attention, but he hadn't the time for
such nonsense.If someone was out to get him, he needed to protect his research.
Brianna: I tried 911 again, there is no cell service out here...Your best bet is to come in
to town and use a phone there...My home has a can call the authorities.
Jacob was hesitant to take up Brianna's offer. He still wasn't sure what
her motive was for helping him; but it seemed he had little choice. What
if she was telling the truth? Then he would be left out here alone with an
Jacob: Alright...but just to use a phone...I'm not one for accepting help
Brianna: Why is that? You think you're too smart to receive help? Everyone
needs help once in a while.
Jacob ignored Brianna's words, as he hobbled toward the road where her
car packed. It was a quiet drive back to Meadow Glen, an area he had never
been to before. Questions were filling his head. Who was this girl? What was her
motive? What was it that he was on the brink of discovery? And how to get rid of
his attacker? The car came to an abrupt stop, which snapped Jacob back into reality.
Brianna led Jacob into the kitchen; where an elderly woman was busy
baking."Momma, I'm home." Sarah turned quickly to greet her daughter;
and quickly looked Jacob over. "Who is this?" Sarah asked curiously.
Brianna: This is Doctor Rush, with Cambridge Univeristy.He needs
a phone to call work; apparently got attacked in the mountains.
Sarah looked over again at her guest,trying to study him without being
too obvious."Of course, the phone is in the living room."
Jacob: Detective Harper? Its Jacob...
Harper: We were very worried! I have search teams out looking
for you.
Jacob: I was attacked down by the lake, by an older gentleman...Detective Harper,
this man tried to kill me.
Harper: He's probably after your research, Jacob.
Jacob: That's what I thought as well...I don't know what to do, but I'm
stranded out here.
Harper: Actually, its probably best if you lay low for a while, if you could find
shelter where you are, I'll start an investigation into this.
Jacob: Are you telling me not to come back? What about our presentation?
Harper: I will try to get that postponed, I think for now you best stay in hiding.
Jacob hung up the phone and sighed in annoyance. Not only did he have to
find somewhere to stay, he had to put his work on hold...It was going to be a long
stressful night for Jacob.
Brianna: Poor guy is all shook up.Not even a thank you.And he
accused me of wanting information.
Sarah: He's probably just afraid is all.You might want to check in
and make sure all is well.
Brianna: You look disturbed.
Jacob: I am disturbed....the police are going to start an investigation;
however I have to stay in hiding....I can't do that! I have work to do...whatever
it was...I can't even remember exactly what I was working on.
Brianna; Its probably your concussion, it will come back to you.Have faith..
Jacob: I don't believe in a higher power..
Brianna; That's alright, you can still have hope.
Mother says your more than welcomed to refugee here...
And before you say you don't accept help, my mother doesn't take no for
an answer.
Jacob sighed.Brianna was a difficult person to argue with.Part of Jacob
understood where she was coming from, though he blamed that on his
concussion; but another part was still questioning, why they would put
their safety in jeopody,to help him.
A pretty little girl came running into the living room, excited
and happy to see Brianna.
Miri: Brie! Brie! You're back.
Brianna: I sure am munchkin, how was school.
Miri: We made wooden animals today - hold up owl-
Brianna: Aww, you made an owl! That's so cute.
Jacob: Did you know owls have three eyelids?
Miri: No way! Really?!
Jacob: Yup, they have three to protect their eyes. The
upper and lower are normal. The third is to clean the eyes.
Miri: No way!! Daddy! -runs to tell her dad-
Brianna; You just made her day with that.
Jacob: Is that your daughter?
Brianna: No, that's my niece.
Jacob: By any chance, did you find a bag with me filled
with equipment?
Brianna: Actually, I did, its in my car.
Brianna: Are you sure you don't wanna stay in the main house, guest room?
Jacob: I like to keep to myself. Staying in the loft is perfect for me actually.
Jacob was used to being alone. He hadn't the time nor the energy to invest in
friendships; his life was dedicated to his work, and he planned on keeping it that
way.Brianna left him to get settled in; and went to help her mother in the kitchen.