So I had this odd thing happen.
My sim became pregnant in the present (the baby chimes went off) and then I sent her and her husband to the future. Well in the future is where she started showing and I couldn't send her back home to have the babies so they had to stick it out. Well babies were born and I had one with each parent thinking "Hey, they were conceived in the present so it shouldn't be a big deal". No. Every time I tried to get them to go home with kids in tow, they would set them down and say goodbye. Toddlers same thing. (I triggered the age transitions) I finally decided to just age them into adulthood thinking that if they couldn't go to the present then at least they were adults. (Yes I know they are just sims but maternal instincts and all). So I'm wondering if anyone has had the same issue? Now its all weird cause the kids live in the same present town but they are like the red headed step child now.