@ciane Thank you thank you BUNCHES for providing your fixed IP save for the rest of us to have in our games. :star:
I tried fixing IP up on my own (followed all the tips out there) and the world was still quite laggy that I found no joy in playing it. :(
I added your fixed save in and replaced some of the townies with my made over versions of them (via Evict in Edit Town, added my made overs in, then deleted the old family from the clipboard). Will that cause lag replacing the "coded in the game" families like that?
Because I played for a while in Live mode and there was still a bit of lag... I do use NRaas Mods and added your fixed save in that didn't require all the EPs and store content.
So now I'm wondering what's up? :pensive:
Could it be my 10 year old computer trying to still run the game? Could it be all the taxi boats because I swear those have routing issues and there's no way to get rid of them. :confounded:
Or could it be that I switched out the families?
Will IP always have SOME lag no matter what you do!? :weary: I just don't know...
Please help? :heart: