I think perhaps Loki got bored with me and gave up? Two days ago, I uninstalled everything. Game, EA app, Origin App, and just about everything else I could find. I went back to Origin, to download and try again and now it seems that if you click on Origin and want to download it again, it zaps you straight to EA. Grrrr. So, I thought hmmm... I searched my file and found an OLD copy of the old Origin download. I thought, "What's there to lose?" So I installed Origin from that old file and tried to start the Sims download from there, and LO AND BEHOLD, it started downloading. I sat here staring at my screen with tears in my eyes and holding my breath and each one... one by one... downloaded. By now, I was standing up and watching my screen. When it hit Outdoor Living, it paused and I screamed. I looked at the screen it appeared that I had 3 different copies of the same EP? That's just what Origin showed me, so I clicked on one of the other ones, and boom, there it goes. Okay, now I was jumping up and down. I've always owned Ambitions and Katy Perry stuff on disk, so when Origin said it was done, I held my breath again and put in the first disk. Everything worked as it should. Tried the next disk and yep. I was actually bawling my eyes out shrieking at my daughter, "OMG THEY'RE ALL THERE!!"
What did I do? I don't know. I know uninstalling everything and starting over helped. Did finding the OLD Origin download help? Perhaps? It never once tried to direct me to anything EA. I had nothing on my computer from EA. I wish I really knew what finally made it work?