@mercysk0sh The team that fixes in-game issues, for example the problem with excessive mean interactions in Sims 4, is completely separate from the team(s) that deal with downloading issues. I don't know that they even work together with any regularity.
As for the copy-paste responses, I'd also venture a guess that the EA employees posting here don't have any insight into the programming side of things, that they don't actually know what the issue is beyond the basics. The customer support reps certainly aren't going to know anything.
This is not to dismiss your frustration. I totally understand and would be just as upset if I didn't already have my game installed and running. All I'm saying is, I don't know what else the EA employees who post on this site could reasonably offer than sympathy and assurances that the problem has been reported up the chain.
As a side note for anyone else reading, I've been flagging the technical info that a few players have reported here, and my understanding is that it's been passed along as well.