Hi there
1. Are you using any Custom Content or mods ? no
2. If you are using mods, are you using any of the 'big ones' like Awesome Mod or Twallan’s mods no
3. If you're not using mod, did you never use them or did you take them out for the EP (as you are supposed to do) no
4. Did you update the mods you put back with a compatible version ? na
5. Do you have Seasons or just the Patch ? seasons
6. Which Patch Level are you at ?
7. Did you start a new game or are you playing an existing ones ? new game
8. Did you transfer an existing Sim over or are they new/Pre-Made ? new sim
9. What town are you currently playing ? EA or Custom ? ea sunset vally
10. What is your Operating System (Mac, XP, Vista, Win 7)win 7
11. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game. have the disks
When building a new house in game, if you build with foundation the game crashes on save. You can avoid by not using foundation for now, but I hope there is a fix soon.