Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
11 years ago

Sims 3 island paradise

If I get the Sims 3 Island Paradise will my sims be able to go on vacation at the resorts or can you just own them?

  • while your living in island paradise you can vist them then your sim will go home at the end of the day or if you tell them to go home , you can stay at them you book your time in to stay pretty much like booking a hotel room

    edit typo

5 Replies

  • rumbutter's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    11 years ago

    not that you can vacation there as such you either start a new game ( if you saved a copy of your sims to the libaiary you can start a new game with them) there or have your sims in whatever world you normally play in have your sim use the phone to travel and real estate option  to move to island paradise once you either move there OR start a + new game select isla pardiso from the drop down menu to select your world to play your sims can own a resort of you wish or not and just play in the world there is one resort if your sims don't have enough money you can get for 0 it's named  hobarts

    edit to add your sims can own a house or a houseboat and or stay at resorts you go to the desk and book your room at which point you'll be asked how many nights you want to stay

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    So if you live in Isla Paradiso you can visit the resorts, or do you have to own them to visit them?

  • rumbutter's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    11 years ago

    while your living in island paradise you can vist them then your sim will go home at the end of the day or if you tell them to go home , you can stay at them you book your time in to stay pretty much like booking a hotel room

    edit typo

  • Anonymous's avatar
    11 years ago

    Awesome! I think I'm going to pick it up tomorrow after work! Thanks for the help, I'm kind of new to Sims3 and run in to problems kinda frequently lol 🙂

  • rumbutter's avatar
    Hero (Retired)
    11 years ago

    @knewt93  your welcome 🙂  if you do have some game playing issues you can post the issue here in the forum in a new thread and we'll do our best to help you