Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except Star Wars and Kits
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have a house with 3+ Sims in it (or many friends)
What happens when the bug occurs? I can't invite more than one Sim anywhere at a time
What do you expect to see? Generally, you can invite up to a full household (up to 7 Sims)
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. After installing Dream Home Decorator
After picking up and installing the Dream Home Decorator pack, I started noticing I couldn't invite more than one Sim anywhere at a time (to a festival, to another house, on vacation, to a park, ANYWHERE). I dismissed the notion for a while, thinking it was a fluke (and forgot about it when I only had a two-Sim household), but now I've realized it is a 100% reoccurring issue. It's happened over three different worlds.
I couldn't find any other reports of this issue, but since I don't run mods and already tried re-validating my files, I'm not sure why it would only be affecting me.
I have had this happen a number of times in my main save. Everything is fine and then it shows up out of the blue.
But I have found a way to deal with it. Other posters in this thread have said that shutting down the game and restarting it will fix it. I found that if I do that it does not work some of the time and it will show up again fairly soon after the restart. However, if I delete the localthumbcache file before I restart, the issue goes away every time. But it does show up again later at some point. It might be sim days or weeks though. Not consistent at all.
I have found a work around that I use if I don't want to shut down and restart when it happens. What I do is travel with the 2 sims that the game will let me travel with. When I reach wherever it is I'm going, then I click on the little arrow on the greyed out sim portraits at the bottom and bring them to the location one at the time and when I go home, I do it again to get everybody home. This works for normal travel but it won't work for going on vacations. For those, I have to shut down, delete the cache file and restart.
I have noticed that when the issue shows up, it is always after I've traveled to somewhere with part of a household and left others behind on the home lot. Where I travel to with the small group doesn't seem to make a difference whether it happens or not. And it seems to happen more when I travel to more than a single place before I return to the home lot with the small group. When it does, it is always the next time I try to travel with more than 2 sims though. I'm still trying to determine if it happens if any of the left behind sims were off the lot at the time I traveled with the small group like at work or school or at something like the sim challenge where their portraits were greyed out when my traveling sims left the lot. Seems to be hit and miss on that.
Hope this helps.
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