
rdorka347's avatar
New Adventurer
6 hours ago
Needs Info

Can't travel with more than 1 or 2 Sims

When I select travel on the phone a window pops up so I could select up to 7 sims to travel with. However I can only select one. 

I am playing the scenario with the Martínez family. There is the optional task of traveling to the park with the kids. I wanted to take both kids to the park with the mother, but I could select only one. It does not matter which parent I am on. I can select only one sim to travel with. The others are not greyed out, they are available for selecting, but I can not select them if I already selected one.

I play on windows, I have all packs and almost all kits. ( I do not have the last two). I do not have any mods or cc.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit migrated bug report: [ARCHIVED] Can't travel with more than 1 or 2 Sims | EA Forums - 11511035 

Archived thread had around 68 me toos

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