Forum Discussion

36 Replies

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  • * she/her

    * when my sim went on the lovers ride in copperdale the pop up was using he/him

    • Which pronouns are you using? He/Him 
    • Where are they not being applied? His mother received one of the school phone calls that reads as "A teacher caught Evan looking at another student's test during class and sent his to the office" and included an option that reads as "Let his retake the test." It should be "him" for both messages.
    • Can you share a screenshot of what you're seeing? Screenshot attached
  • Parenthood calls home

    "Serious stuff. Please punish their ." -> "Serious stuff. Please punish them"

    "They's in big trouble!" -> "They're in big trouble!"

  • Heya, when using they/them/theirs pronouns for my child, the pop up about school had “they is” instead of “they are” i know this is only a small thing, but just wanted to point it out 🙂

  • hi i just encountered a case of the sims using she'll on a sim set to use exslusively they/them (was going to provide screenshot but it's saying ivalad html? idk what that means) on one of the pop ups from having the responceable reward trait from parenthood (spesficly i had my sim go to the gym durring a 30 miniute break). thanks in advance! :D