Forum Discussion
I tried this and it works without issues for me.
Is this an existing game you're playing ? How many times did you try this ?
We are unable to reproduce this as well, the cheat works fine for us. For clarification, here are instructions for this cheat:
First Turn on testingcheats true then type in the cheat below
The cheat is modifyrelationship YourSimFirst YourSimLast TargetSimFirst TargetSimLast (-)amount Track_Type
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Romance_Main
- breezy95928 years agoSeasoned Ace
the Modifyrelationship cheat don't work... I have tried a few times now and nothing....
- breezy95928 years agoSeasoned Ace
I got the modifyrelationship for romance to work but not friendship? what is up with that...
- crinrict8 years agoHero+
Didn't work for me either.
- Truet3188 years agoSeasoned Veteran
@SimGuruNick wrote:We are unable to reproduce this as well, the cheat works fine for us. For clarification, here are instructions for this cheat:
First Turn on testingcheats true then type in the cheat below
The cheat is modifyrelationship YourSimFirst YourSimLast TargetSimFirst TargetSimLast (-)amount Track_Type
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Friendship_Main
modifyrelationship Karlee Darnell Cassandra Goth 100 Romance_Main
I copied and pasted what you wrote there and substituted the names of my sims, it still doesn't work for friendship and works better than it used to for romance so obviously the cheat has been tweaked.
I will be totally gutted if you don't fix this.
- 7 years ago
I tried it myself. it didn't work at first,but that's because your using capital letters for the beginning of "Friendship" and "Romance" . With small letters,the cheat works for me. Maybe try it. the only cheat i cant get to work is the skill cheats. if you know how to help me, I would appreciate and please tell me if i did help you.
- 8 years ago
This I used to do all the time, but after instal Cats & Dog doesn't work...
- 8 years ago
We're using the cheat correctly as its working as normal for romance relationships. It would be good if we could actually get this sorted so we can undo the damaged caused by the deleted relationship bug. Thanks
- Anonymous7 years ago
Do you know how long it will take to fix the skills cheats? Since the update the cheat just doesn't work at all.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+No one knows.
Please be patient.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Is there any way you can restore the skill cheat? I’m quite impatient when it comes to building up my skills manually as my main gameplay focuses on relationships. I really need my skills to level up, will there be another update coming soon fixing this issue?
- crinrict7 years agoHero+
MCCC might have added it back by now. Not sure though
- 7 years ago
MCCC has been updated and ALL skill cheats work I just tested it.
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