Forum Discussion

BrickLion26's avatar
2 years ago

[ARCHIVED] Moon Texture still has lower quality and is not solid/black

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Italiano
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? 1.Go to any world at night when the moon is not new or full and look at sky, you'll see the stars overlapping the moon. 2.Go to any other world except Granite Falls, Forgotten Hollow, Chestnut Ridge, Glimmerbrook and the Magic Realm to see that the moon is lower quality compared to the worlds mentioned.
What happens when the bug occurs? Stars taking over the moon when is cycling through lunar phases (except new and full) and lower moon textures.
What do you expect to see? I expect to see the moons of either Forgotten Hollow or Granite Falls/Glimmerbrook/Chestnut Ridge for all the other worlds or at least have a moon with better texture quality, and as a solid object.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The pre-werewolves/lunar phases patch.

Even after the 1.99 patch, the moon texture didn't change for all worlds except Granite Falls, Forgotten Hollow, Chestnut Ridge, Glimmerbrook and the Magic Realm. I've attached some screenshot of the Glimmerbrook moon VS. the standard moon that you can find in almost all other worlds and also the fact that is not a solid object and stars go through it (happens with all moons).

Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title.

20 Replies

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  • T0RN_x's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    6 months ago

    I don't know which patch fixed the problem, but the moon seems to be solid, but some worlds the moon is still low quality.

    Unfortunately, new errors have crept in.

    • In Henford-on-Bagley (perhaps also in some worlds) the moons are now overlapped
    • And when it's cloudy, the moon is black
  • Hello everyone, AnswerHQ is bugged and I cant fill the normal bug report, when clicking on ''new topic'' that is why there is no headers with my answers, but fortunately I know how this website works and what they want so I will proceed with the most important infos.

    I have all packs. My game version is 1.108.349.1020

    I play in french and 100% encounter this the one time I played in Ciudad Enamorada.

    The moon is black, I think it was on a cloudy/partialy sunny night in the upper town district.

    Here is the image.

  • I was glad my thread had been paid attention to but this is still sadly an issue. Thanks for posting

  • Oh man stars shining through the moon is something that really bothers me. I was happier without the phases but with a solid celestial body for a moon. Of course the phases are nice but... it's more important that the moon looks nice and realistic.

  • T0RN_x's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago

    Exactly! He had also had this post-processing effect..

  • Francoisf30's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    2 years ago

    Yeah, I notice the moon in Moonwood Mill, and it just look like a big white ball, like no texture. I remember in the trailer the moon was actually yellow and add a nice texture to it... I would like they work on Moonwood Mill too.

  • T0RN_x's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 years ago

    The stars also look through in some moon phases and that looks terrible

  • Exactly. It seems they just replaced the standard moon with those very beautiful new moons but only for the worlds I mentioned, and left the standard low quality one for all the other worlds.

    They also didn't replace Windenburg moon for some reason since it had it's own special moon too.

    This is the before and after of the moon in Windenburg.

  • @BrickLion26 So they fixed the moon for the worlds you mentioned in the old thread but not for the other worlds ? (except Windenburg which you also mentioned)

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