Forum Discussion

SimplyAnjuta's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
9 years ago

[BY DESIGN] Gallery Poses mirrored and slightly shifted after October patch

After the latest patch the gallery poses in the front picture appear mirrored and slightly shifted to the right:

No cc/mods.

  • SimGuruNick's avatar
    9 years ago

    These thumbnails are actually intended to be randomly mirrored (the shifting is expected, due to the mirroring).  So as reported this is not really a bug, it’s as designed.

    The actual issue here is that the randomization probably has never worked, so we always got the same version of the pose. In EP03 there was a code change that modified the way randomness was calculated so now we are getting a different default, but it’s still not being random.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 🙂 

6 Replies

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  • Only on newly uploaded ones for you or also the ones that were there before ?

    When I look at the gallery, I see all kinds of variations. 

  • SimplyAnjuta's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    9 years ago

    Only on the newly uploaded ones.

    Edit: Yes, I see some new uploads with the old orientation too. The majority is mirrored though. Not sure why that is. Maybe there are still players who haven't updated their game and have an old session?

  • SimGuruNick's avatar
    Icon for EA Staff (Retired) rankEA Staff (Retired)
    9 years ago

    These thumbnails are actually intended to be randomly mirrored (the shifting is expected, due to the mirroring).  So as reported this is not really a bug, it’s as designed.

    The actual issue here is that the randomization probably has never worked, so we always got the same version of the pose. In EP03 there was a code change that modified the way randomness was calculated so now we are getting a different default, but it’s still not being random.

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 🙂 

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Going to mark this as solved for now although there does seem to be a slight bug with the randomness.

    The initial complaint was that it's mirrored which is not a bug as Nick said.

  • SimplyAnjuta's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    9 years ago

    I know this has been marked as solved but wanted to let you know that with the new update the poses can actually switch right and left now.

  • crinrict's avatar
    9 years ago

    Thanks for the update

    Yeah, it was marked as solved as it was by design at the time

    Doesn't mean they can't change it if it's not liked :D