Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Norsk
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? (43 total) For Rent, Vintage Glamour, Vampires, Tiny Living, StrangerVille. Spooky Stuff, Spa Day, Incheon Arrivals Kit, Seasons, Romantic Garden Stuff, Realm of Magic, Perfect Patio Stuff, Parenthood, Paranormal Stuff pack, Outdoor Retreat, Nifty Knitting Stuff pack, My First Pet Stuff, Movie Hangout Stuff, Moschino Stuff pack, Modern Lux Kit, Luxury party Stuff, Laundry Day Stuff, Jungle Adventure, Island Living, Holiday Celebration Pack, Highschool Years, Get Together, Get to Work, Get Famous, Fitness Stuff, Eco lifestyle, Dream Home Decorator, Discover University, Dine Out, Desert Lux Kit, Decor to the Max Kit, Cottage Living, Cool Kitchen Stuff, City living, Cats and Dogs, Industrial Loft Kit, Bowling Night Stuff, Blooming rooms Kit.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? A sim that works as an interior designer, first gig. Sim is also a landlord and lives on the same lot as rental units. Currently has one renter. Go to interior decorator gig as normal but cant finish the gig.
What happens when the bug occurs? Alternative 1: The sim has shown the client the room but the last bracket of the job panel is unchecked and so the gig don't end. Only solution is to end gig and get a bad rating and not get payed. Alternative 2: "show client the renovation" regardless of what I choose, show them yourself or not, the gig doesn't end. If the sim does not show the client the renovation themselves, nothing happens. They all go about their day, the gig in the career panel is all checked but the sim just stays, bottom left icon still shows sim at work. Client continues as normal and this continues for days. Time of gig ending automatically delays. Alternative 3: "Show client renovation" I choose to show them, click a few items, talk to the client, and get a final verdict. The social event in the top left corner will show as completed but not dissapear, sometimes not become yellow/gold and just show as white. "Get final verdict 5/5" and nothing happens afterwards. Sims go about, main sim remains on lot, gig doesn't end and sim will stay until they die. (Yes I have tried this, died of old age at work on first gig). Alternative 4: Spam saving in the home screen somehow fixes somethings, ends the event and sim is able to return to home lot but the gig is still active, cant quit/abandon project/gig but can quit job.
What do you expect to see? I expect the interior designer gig to end, get payed (or not, depending on job) and get rated, be returned to home lot and be able to choose the next gig. E.g working normally.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
Listen... I have over 1000h playtime in this game, and that is only in sims 4 alone. I rarely come across a bug I can't fix or get around myself but this one is just effin stupid.
I have tried the following to fix: Cannot "M" out of gig because of social event. Cannot participate in other events from other packs like festivals/fairs/games etc. Cannot get out if another sim calls and invites to hang out, cannot get out by clicking lots to visit in close vicinity. Obviously cannot "x" out "show renovation" social event despite the fact that it is all yellow/gold and is complete. If will ask if I'm sure I want to end the event early and if clicking "yes" than the box vanishes and nothing has changed.I have even tried to move a different sim into the lot while the other one is stuck at gig. And this is just the in game stuff, it gets better.
Obviously I have tried the "repair" option in the EA launch app, no effect, I have tried uninstalling the game and creating a new sim that is not a landlord and start the career but the problem persists. I have tried external mods for repairs and bug fixes but that has not worked. I have no other programs running that would interfere with the game. I have a beefy computer that has no issue running the game. (AMD Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics 3.90 GHz, RAM 16,0 GB (15,8 GB unused) Windows 11 Home, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070).
Don't usually play with mods but whatever was there is uninstalled/wiped from file folders than uninstalled and re-installed so not a mod issue. And yes... I have tried re-starting my computer.
Thank you.
I can see that this has been an issue for other people almost a year back and from Reddit threads r/sims4 it's a persistent problem. (link:
Cant we just Chatgpt the **** out of this code issue/interaction bug or something.
Here are a bunch of screenshots, the language is kind of irrelevant as the format is the same regardless but anyhoot, hope to see this fixed.