@TheSimsDirect Many users cannot log in to Twitter in game despite entering the correct user information. Aside from the Twitter login issue, many other bugs were created with the gallery update several months ago that have yet to be fixed. The Sims team hasn't indicated they have any intention to fix the bugs. Why are we being ignored?
My current bugs (caused by the update 4 months ago):
- cannot connect to Twitter in game - cannot share created content
- cannot see comment feed
- zero followers & zero followed - should be 3k+ followed/followers listed
- several uploads that were previously marked as Maxis Curated no longer show up as such on the gallery
The Sims team has said nothing since June even after acknowledging the problem was under investigation (on here and the Sims Twitter account).
Adding this to an existing old bug thread is essentially just saying it will go into the "round file" aka trash bin and never be fixed. To whomever is in charge of getting these posts recognized and addressed: Please don't archive this by adding it to an old thread.
What recourse do we have besides making a bug report post? None really except maybe to boycott by not purchasing more content, but It means nothing to EA or the Sims team since there aren't enough of us to make a difference to their sales revenue. It doesn't matter that I have purchased every Sims 1, 2, 3 & 4 pack, kit, expansion, spent $100's of dollars in micro-transactions in the store, spent $1k's running a build request team and funding and hosting a fan site, give-away prizes of Sims packs and store content and don't get me started on wasted money on the broken and abandoned SimCity, Spore, etc. Why don't they care that some of us can no longer see when someone shares something or that they cannot see what we share nor that we can no longer easily communicate with our Sims friends? They already have our money. They don't care that some of us have bugs because the majority of simmers are playing the game without bugs and still buying their new releases. We aren't a priority because we aren't the majority of players and not making an impact on their bottom line.
These bugs do appear to have been targeted toward a certain group of Simmers and it feels malicious. How do several previously Maxis favorited lots with 100k downloads suddenly no longer appear when searching by creator name and filtering by Maxis Curated when they were previously curated for years? How do nearly 4k followers suddenly disappear? How do thousands of followed users disappear? How do hundreds of thousands of downloads no longer show up in the gallery? How does a lot that was uploaded in 2015 listed as residential costing 100k, 4 bed, 3 bath with hashtags and detailed description, now have - no lot type, 9,999,999 cost, 0 bed 0 bath and no description? Why did this only happen to some people and not everyone? Answer: someone on the Sims team changed it and did so by targeting certain individual players.
It's not just me with these bugs. Other long established Sims content creators & lot builders who have easily recognizable creator names* have posted that they also have these bugs in related threads. It really does feel intentional at this point. These bugs are gatekeeping us. I feel as though we have been punished for being devoted Sims players and successful content creators. It's as if we have been wiped from existence in the gallery. New uploads aren't being seen or being downloaded, old uploads are bugged and not being downloaded any longer. Previously uploads would have 100's of downloads and comments just in the first day, now there are only a handful even after a week. Previously curated uploads would get dozens if not hundreds of downloads per day and are no longer recognized on the gallery as curated. Personally mine are only seen by the same few people who I know that have had me on their in game or on Origin friends list carried over from Sims 3 and none of the followers that have been added since Sims 4 are seeing or commenting on uploads when they did before the update. We aren't playing the same game that other simmers have access to. It has nothing to do with custom content or mods, since I do not use them. It has nothing to do with my computer's capabilities since I have a less than a year old, top of the line professionally built custom PC, that can run anything with all the settings turned up to max, 100+ chrome tabs open, a dozen apps running in background with never so much as a hiccup. The problem is not on my end so please do not tell me I need to reinstall, repair or update my game. *not listing specific creator names for their privacy since the statements in this post are my personal opinions, theories & experiences
All we have is this forum that nobody, absolutely nobody from the Sims team ever takes seriously. It is extremely disappointing. I have serious doubts that my franchise loyalty and the few grand I've spent amounts to anything, not even a simple customer service response. Yes, I rant and ramble on because this is very upsetting. Yes, I do have a sense of entitlement when it comes to this and feel justified in this sense. I believe am 100% entitled to play the same game as everyone else who is still playing the game without these bugs. I want what I paid for, not this broken version. Please fix it, in the absolute least - do something, say something, acknowledge this problem is going to be addressed in some way. It has now been four months with no response. Unacceptable.