[FIXED] [NKSP] Sim can't knit when sitting in rocking chair
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Deutsch
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Expansion Packs: - EP01: Get to Work,EP02: Get Together, EP03: City Living, EP04: Cats and Dogs, - EP05: Seasons, - EP07: Island Living, - EP08: Discover University, - EP10: Snowy Escape, - EP11: Cottage Living, - Game Packs: - GP01: Outdoor Retreat, - GP02: Spa Day, - GP03: Dine Out, - GP04: Vampires, - GP05: Parenthood, - GP06: Jungle Adventure, - GP07: StrangerVille, - GP08: Realm of Magic, - GP10: Dream Home Decorator, - Stuff Packs: - SP01: Luxury Party Stuff, - SP02: Perfect Patio Stuff, - SP03: Cool Kitchen Stuff, - SP04: Spooky Stuff, - SP05: Movie Hangout Stuff, - SP06: Romantic Garden Stuff, - SP08: Backyard Stuff, - SP09: Vintage Glamour Stuff, - SP11: Fitness Stuff, - SP12: Toddler Stuff, - SP13: Laundry Day Stuff, - SP14: My First Pet Stuff, - SP16: Tiny Living Stuff, - SP17: Nifty Knitting Stuff, - Kits: - Courtyard Oasis
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? make your Sims sit in the rocking chair and then chose knitting. I my case it does not work anymore.
What happens when the bug occurs? Sim can't knit while sitting in rocking chair. However, he can do everything else and also stitch while sitting in the rocking chair.
What do you expect to see? That my Sim can knit again when sitting in the rocking chair
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
I recently came across this issue that my Sims can't knit anymore while sitting in the rocking chair. Haven't had any Sims knitting in a while and therefore not sure since when this became an issue in my game. Sim just can't knit while sitting in rocking chair, but he can do everything else and also stitch while sitting in the rocking chair. It just wont work. However, he can knit on other seatings like couches and sofas. And yes, I have the knitting basket in his inventory. I do use CC/mods, but I removed them for further tests. Same issue...
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title
Sims can now switch rocking chairs mid-knit without getting tangled up and losing track.
Fixed in Patch 1.113.277/2.08
Please create a new thread if you're still experiencing this issues