This shouldn't even be possible. I play the Herbalism skill a lot and the ingredients for the destressing dedoction are rare, yet everyone is making them without the ingredients at every single gathering. If you check that person's inventory they don't have the ingredients.
I don't set NAPs, though some set automatically in unplayed worlds at the start and it's every world now where it's happening regardless of which NAPs were set. In houses, in gardens, in parks. Jars litter the ground afterwards too and you can't use them as they don't belong to you. It makes cleanup tricky to say the least. I'm on console so can't share saves and I'm taking a break from the Sims right now despite my 50+ packs (I've got all except Vampires, Werewolves, Star Wars, Modern Menswear and Bust the Dust) because I'm fed up of all these bugs that remain unfixed in such an expensive product. We devote such attention and hard work but no other product would get away with being so broken. No repairs on another product would be allowed to wait for years.
Bugs like this that take over, they ruin gameplay. You can't hold a social event or visit a public space or even another house without people at an available grill/oven all making these things. Weddings, birthdays, you name it. NPCs head straight to the grill/oven and just line the jars up. You can't engage with them. No point in a family visit as they are focused on this.
I need to reach through the screen and grab one for myself after playing! So instead I'm playing a different game that loads up, plays and works! It's just a shame it's not the game that cost more than anything else in my house and took me years to build. Now pass me one of those little jars someone....cheers!!