Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Select take a shower interaction on any shower.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim will begin to shower, but the hygiene bar will not go up and there is no timer around the action causing the sim to continue to shower indefinitely.
What do you expect to see? The hygiene bar to go up and a timer around the action.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The game recently updated today.
I tell my sim to take a shower and she does, but she doesn't stop when she's finished. Why? Because she never gets finished. The timer around the action doesn't appear which causes her to shower forever and her hygiene bar doesn't go up. It continues to decay. Also, new interactions appeared on the shower tub combo that shouldn't be there such as take a mud bath or bathe with soaks. I uninstalled my mods and checked it again and she was still doing it.
It's not game-breaking, but it's annoying. My game just updated today with a released patch, too.
- GreatBritney996 years agoSeasoned Ace@LaJefa_05 Those options are supposed to be there now with the latest patch, but I think that's what broke the hygiene motive. I'm having the exact same problem.
- 6 years ago
I am having the exact same problem and I also uninstalled my mods.
- 6 years ago@LaJefa_05 It’s only on the tub and shower hybrids, single showers are working fine. It’s really weird.
- 6 years ago@LaJefa_05 i am having this problem too but on a mac
- 6 years ago@LaJefa_05 The bath with soaks and mud bath are from Spa Day I think.
- EverclearBoy6 years agoRising Hotshot
Im having the same problem in my game, Sim goes to Shower and it doesnt fill up they just keep showering, Reset Sim didnt fix it either.
- 6 years ago@LaJefa_05 I have the same thing. My sim won't get clean, only thing is that I'm not using mods.
- 6 years agoSame problem for me!I ask my sim to perform any of the upright shower functions (brisk, thoughtful, sing, etc) in a combo shower/bathtub. Everything animates as expected but no timer forms around the action icon so the sim showers indefinitely, yet the hygiene bar does not improve- in fact it continues to decay. Inevitably I give up and manually cancel the action and my sim leaves the shower dirtier than when she started showering. Ironically, if she was supposed to get any “boost” from the shower type selected (for instance, inspired for singing in the shower) she gets the matching moodlet as if the shower had worked perfectly!As an additional observation, the combo shower/bathtubs are now showing options not usually available to them: mid bath, bath with salts. I tried using these and they function perfectly. In fact, all the “bathing” options perform perfectly, with timers, increased hygiene, and appropriate moodlets and boosts. Only the upright options are misbehaving.Not sure when the issue actually began, since the December patch came out about the same time I added university and because most of the lots I play don’t have combo shower/tubs, so I didn’t notice this until moving into a gallery downloaded lot for student housing which happens to have combo shower/tubs. So I can’t isolate when the issue actually started or what caused it. My current work around is daily citrus baths to keep my student sims focused up!
- 6 years ago
This is happening to me too! in order for my sims to be clean i have to use the fillmotive cheat and thats so annoying to type in everytime they get stinky glad its not just me tho
- 6 years ago@LaJefa_05 What can i do?
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