I do not believe that this forums issue is the same as mine, as I'm still able to save and do things, it's just the sims animation and task freeze, the only way I've found to work around it is to go to the Main Menu, and then resume and then they start moving again and doing whatever the last thing they where doing was. I don't believe it's the same bug because my Sim will still complete tasks, as his needs will still be replenished if I tell him to do something, even if he doesn't move to execute the task. I've only been playing since the 14th, and this is my first character and world. It's been happening since I started. My sister who's been playing a lot longer has seen it happen before, but not to the extent that I have, she says it happens very rarely for her. Where as in my case it happens constantly to no end.
Something that might be affecting it, when I first loaded up the game it told me I had an unrecognized GPU and that it might be too old, but that shouldn't be the case as this GPU is only a couple of years old. I tried updating my drivers but nothing changed. I will also occasionally get a message saying that an item was removed from my inventory, stating that the item removed was for a expansion pack I do not have. I don't have any expansion packs, and no mods, so I don't know what it might be removing.
I will try reinstalling the game, maybe a file got corrupted in download, I hope this is the case, but am rather doubtful.
If anymore information about my game is required I'll be happy to provide it, just let me know what it might be, and where it should be sent.
Thank you!