[FIXED] Using CAS on lot resets to different lot
Since the walk in closets were introduced I've noticed that AFTER one of my household Sims uses a closet in a retail lot to change a townie's costume, the active Sim is changed to another one of the household. Then I have to select the Sim I was playing in the first place and make that Sim active again. It was beginning to bug me, but it wasn't too bad.
However, after the Feb update, now when a household Sim uses a closet in a retail lot to change a townies outfit, not only does it shift focus to a different Sim in the household it also resets the retail lot!
As an example my Simself was in his bakery when an odd looking chap walked in, he immediately rushed to the strange looking fellow and suggested a wardrobe fix. When done I was transported to the home lot to see Mrs Simself talking to her garden. (I am used to that now so I clicked on my Simself and chose to make him active again), but when i got back to the bakery it was closed and all the customers had disappeared!
- Using the closet to change the outfit of a non-household Sim should no longer switch the active player control to other Sims in your household. This was particularly a problem if the other Sim that was given control was on a different lot, resulting in you loading a new lot upon returning from Create a Sim.
Fixed in Patch 1.25.135