Missing Clutter NOT A MOD ISSUE
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.112.481.1030
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Most except the last couple of Expansions and the latest from Kits from Castle Estates and upwards plus Dust the Bust and Carnival Streetwear.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look into your items created on your end with your programs used.
What happens when the bug occurs? Numerous clutter items from various kits, the base game, other expansions, game packs, and stuff packs have their tags for them to show up in the various decoration locations removed.
What do you expect to see? To fix ALL your tags. Not only are your tags missing for items to show up in the game, many do not have tags for the style of the item like "Basic, Boho, Mission, etc." Some tags are not properly marked for their colors as some are not marked at all or are incorrectly labeled. And now too some prices are missing.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The latest patch for new items and in preparation for the "Blast of the Past Event."
I am just recently getting into creating Custom Content and Recoloring of items for my personal use and at some point to share. When I learned that others were complaining of missing items I used a program called Sims 4 Studio. With this program I can see all content in the game and how they are tagged. All tags for every item is missing since the last patch: And there are more... this is just the base of all that needs to be looked into. I am writing this to inform this is most certainly NOT a mod issue. This is an EAMaxis Patch issue.
From basegame:
Softy Brand Tissues
Shake Your Holiday Shakers Countertop Kitchen Utensils
Ceramic Cookie Jar
Caress Pitcher
Pretty as a Pitcher
Not So Simple Pen Holder
Men's Colonge
Pro-Quality Knife Block Set
Stack of CDs (Career Unlock)
Non De Plume Quill Set aloe vera plant
From City Living:
Spare Utensils Wall Plague (Career Unlock)
From Cottage Living:
Small Cross-stich Hoop
Medium Cross-stich Hoop
Large Cross-stitch Hoop (escaped debug)
Use Your Words! Pitcher
Legacy Teapot
From High School Years:
The Make-Up Essentials
From For Rent:
Save The Elephants Teapot
From Spa Day:
Soap Keeper
From Dine Out:
Your Handy Table Menu
From Vampires:
Garlic Seeds (should be in gardening with other packets)
From Strangerville:
Unassuming and Not Confidential Papers (Missing price too)
From Batuu:
Ancient Vase
Bug Bite Cure
Definitely-Not-Stolen Vase
From Bowling Night:
USBC Bowling Pin
Peggy's Champion Ball
Lady Ravendancer's Crystal Ball
Helping Hand
Book Nook:
Storybook House Stand
Everyday Clutter:
Mug Solo
Mug Trio
The Thristy Thermos
Write It Down Notebook Cap of Lucky Ambition
Mega Magazine Stack
Write It Down Memo Pad
Trinket Ville
Snack Pack To-Go
Spare Specs
Aural Ambrosia Headset Subtle Serve Makeup Kit
The Adoringly Adorned Jewellery Stand
Invincible Frame Tray
Antique Spare Watch
Phone & Keys
Horse Ranch:
Lifesize horse statue
Antique nectar press