[NEEDS SAVES] [LS] Sim who has never been heartbroken died of broken heart
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.108.335.1220
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play game with Lovestruck installed, and then I don't know. Go on dates, fall in love. Nothing bad had happened to my sim and she had never been heartbroken so I don't know what triggered this bug.
What happens when the bug occurs? Sim randomly received the heartbroken moodlet and a warning saying she's experienced the negative consequences of love, even though she never had! The moodlet kept appearing randomly and getting worse, saying that her heartbreak was having a bad effect on her health, until she finally died of a broken heart!
What do you expect to see? I would expect that you only die of a broken heart if you are constantly being heartbroken by having bad relationships, which my sim had not. I would also expect that there's something you can DO to heal your heart. I tried everything. She was a romantic sage, very happy ALL the time with all positive moodlets, only had healthy relationships. It just doesn't make sense.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. My game is completely up to date with all packs and this is obviously related to the Lovestruck pack.
This is my first time posting so I apologise if I do anything wrong.
My sim was on a date, in a healthy, steamy relationship, and was having back to back woohoo sessions with Father Winter (lol) when she randomly received the "broken-hearted" moodlet and got the first message saying something like "your sim has seen the negative consequences of love and had too many bad experiences so you better watch out." Her mood was extremely happy and very flirty at the time and there had been no negative interactions to prompt this, so it truly seemed random.
She'd had a few relationships before her current one and all had been ended by "ask to just be friends" except one, who had "caught her cheating" (she WAS on a "get to know you date" with someone else but everything happening in the date was strictly friendly and not crossing relationship boundaries so the reaction was a bit extreme tbh). I couldn't find the option to end their relationship by asking to just be friends (probably bc romantic relationship was in the red?) so did the hard break-up option and they received the "it's complicated" tag but I immediately smoothed things over so neither had hurt feelings at all and he forgot about her cheating on him. They were also best friends, so everything seemed fine.
Anyway days after she received the first heartbroken moodlet and it went away she got another heartbroken moodlet, again, totally randomly. I think she might have been on a date when it happened too? I started to panic and did my best to educate her, increase romantic skill and learn about healthy relationships so she became a romantic sage. It's worth noting that none of the usual ways to remove a sad moodlet worked: the heartbreak moodlet didn't diminish by writing in journal or blogging about feelings etc, just disappeared with time (not sure if that's a bug or feature).
Then finally, got the last-straw broken-hearted moodlet and a warning basically telling me she was going to die of a broken heart. So I panicked again and invited over the guy who was previously her "toxic ex" and got them back together to bring their romance from the red back to soulmates because it was all I could think to do. Everything was happy and romantic, they were about to woohoo in the shower in fact, when my sim just randomly died of a broken heart.
I don't know if this is related, it's probably a separate bug, but the male sims my sim has dated all have a female voice (the same female voice). I opened them in CAS to check and their voices in CAS were male, so it just seems to be when they are hanging out with my sim! Very weird!
In case anyone else's sims die of a broken heart, I managed to bring her back to life by getting a spellcaster to dedeathify her.
Edit By Crinrict: Added Tag to Title.