Forum Discussion
I removed the Dance Machine trait (both with potion and via Cheat) and my Sim still gets the "Bored" moodlet saying "Where's the Party At?" that comes with the Dance Machine trait...
This seems like an on-going bug for YEARS.
- StrudelGR2 years agoRising Adventurer
Hi @crinrict !
I removed the trait in a couple of ways.
1. With the Re-Traiting Potion
2. via cheat (traits.remove_trait_DanceMachine)
3. via cheat (Shift-Click Sims/Change X/Remove Trait)
I am still getting the Bored moodlet that comes with Dance Machine for some reason, regardless of how I removed the trait.
- crinrict2 years agoHero+@StrudelGR Cheats they most probably won't be fixing although the remove trait usually works. CAS has always been bugged and I don't think they are going to fix that part.
Are you usually using mods ? If so, did you check with MCCC or SimsInfo if anything is still on the Sim ? - StrudelGR2 years agoRising Adventurer
If I use the in-game Shift+Click/Cheat Sim Info/Remove Trait it doesn't show Dance Machine under my Traits.
I will check with the MCCC too when I get home. I shouldn't be getting the moodlet at all since I legitimately removed the trait ☹️
This means removing traits by any means is impossible if we are gonna be getting the negative moodlet of the removed trait anyway. How many are gonna stack? If I remove another trait (e.g., High Maintenance) am I also gonna be getting the negative moodlets of it too? ☹️
- crinrict2 years agoHero+
@StrudelGR Sometimes the trait is still there although just hidden.
Are you using UI cheats or all cheats ? The remove trait isn't part of the game with no mods. - StrudelGR2 years agoRising Adventurer
I am only using MCCC, I have no idea about the rest!
If I Shift+Click my Sim there's a Cheat Sim Info option which has several options including the Add/Remove Trait one. I checked my mods folder again and there are no other cheat-related mods in there except an MC_Cheats.ts4script file which is probably MCCC too.
I tried finding the Dance Machine trait by the way via MCCC and it doesn't show up. I also chose the option to edit my personality traits via MCCC and I am allowed to pick Dance Machine, meaning it's not flagged that I already have it since I am allowed to choose it?
Dance Machine also doesn't show up under the "Hidden" tab via the Shift+Click/Cheat Sim Info/Remove Trait.
I remember I had a similar issue in the past with Fears. I would face them or cleanse them with the in-game potion and I would still get the scared moodlet randomly (e.g., scared of the dark while not having the fear-trait any more).
I don't use mods other than MCCC and some CAS cosmetics.
EDIT: Thank you for your assistance by the way!
- crinrict2 years agoHero+@StrudelGR Probably MC Cheats then.
Could you upload your Sim to the gallery and post the name here ? - StrudelGR2 years agoRising Adventurer
I removed the trait again via the cheat command (traits_remove.trait_DanceMachine) and I haven't seen the moodlet pop for a while. Waiting to see and will report the results before uploading the Sim to the gallery!
- crinrict2 years agoHero+@StrudelGR Hopefully it sticks now. That's usually the best way to remove the traits :D
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