8 years ago
[NEEDS SAVES] [V] Occult eyes changing to human colors on children
Product: The Sims 4 Platform:PC Which language are you playing the game in? English How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) What is your current game version number? n/a What expansio...
- 4 years ago
Marked as Solution for Visibility. This is still an open issue.
Hello All,
Thanks for all of the information and files sent about this issue. The saves we got from you all have helped us reproduce the issue for Child sims.
But we haven't been able to reproduce the issue for toddlers on our end.If anyone of you are still encountering this (without mods) for toddlers, would you be willing to share your save file(s)?
If so, please send me a private message with a link to the file.Instructions here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/INFORMATION-How-to-Send-User-Files-to-The-Sims-4-Team/m-p/6065302