[OPEN] Certain items become unselectable in inventory
Unused Super Fertilizer given by Jasmine during the Growfruit challenge still appears in my Sim's inventory, but trying to move it instead moves a random item from a different Sim's inventory. This also means I cannot get rid of the fertilizer.
EDIT(Crin): Other items like active career objects such as samples also have the same fate once you're not in the career anymore
Steps you took for Issue to occur
I asked Jasmine for 3 packs of Super Fertilizer during the Growfruit challenge with both my Sims, however only one of them has enough gardening skill to actually fertilize a plant. The other Sim couldn't use it so it was just left in inventory until the end of the challenge, and it's still there now. However, now trying to drag the fertilizer instead grabs a random stack of items (the first time it was a bunch of sage, the second time the orchids, next time the roses...) from the gardening Sim's inventory.
I'm going to try and teach my sim gardening to see if it appears when trying to fertilize plants, and if that would actually manage to get rid of it...
See below, grabbed fertilizer but am holding roses not from active Sim's inventory.
Where does the bug occur ?
Only have the one sim with unused fertilizer, and no way to obtain more now that the challenge has ended, so difficult to reproduce...
Never used any
Expansion Packs/Game Packs/Stuff Packs
None, only base game
Occurring since
End of growfruit challenge
Operating system
Mac OS 10.11.5