Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] Harvestables disappearing from sims' inventory and chest inventory

Today's newest bug: Chest, Fridge and Flower table are not correctly storing collectibles, You may find just like me all those lovely collections disappearing after you save and quite the game, Lovely isn't it.  You may also notice the incomplete collections no longer display correctly in your UI as well.  The game doesn't seem to remember oh yeah you have x,y,z installed so the metal collection  displays 20 instead of 20 + 2, as well as all the others with additions to the base game.  Loving this update in a not at all kind of way.

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  • PugLove888's avatar
    6 years ago

    @hexadecimal, do you play with any Mods or CC🤔 They often become outdated when a patch to the game is released. 

    If you use Mods/CC please do the following:

    1) Move the Mods Folder to your desktop

    2) Delete localthumbcache.package file in the game folder.

    3) Fix you game in Origin by logging in and go to Library, then right-click on The Sims 4 and choose the "Repair Game" option from the list.  Wait until Origin finishes repairing all your packs and not just the base game.

    4) Now, when you turn on your game again, it will create a new mods folder that will be empty.  Check to see if your game is now working without mods/CC.

    5) Now you can try adding back items from your Mods folder one at a time checking your game each time to see which item is causing your game to not work properly.  If you have a lot of items, you can try the 50/50 Method. 

    The CC creators will usually update the CC items and Mods after these updates, so when you find out which one is the culprit, you can get the updated version from whoever made that item of CC in the first place.  You should try these steps anytime you have problems in your game to rule out CC/Mods problems.  It is the responsibility of the Mods/CC creators to update their items anytime EA releases a patch/update, and it is the responsibility of the people who use Mods/CC to make sure they are using the most recent version. 

    If you don't use Mods or CC , or if the above steps do not work, then it is probably a new bug.  You will have to go to the Bug Reports section and see if anyone else has posted a bug report on this problem, click on the "Me Too" button at the end of the first poster's report and add you experience to the end of that thread.  If they haven't filled one out yet, you will need to fill out a Bug Report yourself in order to bring it to the attention of the people who deal with the bugs in the game (as this section does not address that).   But if you do use Mods or CC you will have to test that first, to rule it out before filling out a Bug Report. 😇

    Updated to make correction in light of recent findings! 😉

    This has been moved to the Bug Reports section and merged with the Bug Report on this problem.  Please click the "Me Too" button at the bottom of the Original Poster's report ! 

  • @PugLove888 Hi There, I must say I feel like a veteran at this by now as I have been doing the bug patch dance since the original Sims days. Not to say that this information isn't appreciated as there may be someone who isn't aware of the procedure to confirm that it is indeed a bug reading this.
  • SheriGR's avatar
    6 years ago

    @TwinGoddessLA I posted a list of troubleshooting information, including the information for several workarounds. Please check comment #12 for the details, but a couple of things may be useful to point out. You  are able to move all of the effected items into the household inventory and they will then not be deleted, the harvestables that are still on the plants are not deleted, and you are able to take these items with you for one trip (to another lot, a retail lot to use/sell there, etc.), but you will have to sell or use any of them that you take to another lot before leaving that lot or they will be deleted. It's a huge hassle, but it is a temporary workaround that will help for many purposes.

    If you have many valuable items that are getting deleted by this bug, you could recover your lost simoleons by rolling your game back to a save before they were deleted and selling all of them except a handful of each item in your household inventory for use/growing, plus keep your live plants since they are not deleting and continue to grow and keep safe harvestables.

    How to recover previous saves:

  • Same thing for me. I had over hundreds of perfect quality harvestables in my fridge, in my flower arrangement table and in my chest (completed collection). All of them were gone after my family came back from the Jungle. I totally understand how you guys are feeling! This is completely unacceptable EA! I cannot play the game until this is fixed, my sims need to travel. I also don't have a lot of time to play this game as it is and putting my harvestables one by one in the family inventory every time they need to go somewhere is time consuming. I would definitely  prefer spending the little amount of time that I have playing rather than sorting! Do we know if EA is working on fixing this issue?

  • @M3llica I really doubt EA will fix the bug anytime soon according the past experience. I even doubt they've recognized this bug.
  • danceswithchaos's avatar
    New Adventurer
    6 years ago
    @imhotep168 Don't say that! This bug ruined my gameplay, and it seems to be a newer one since the latest patch, so whatever they broke with it, they need to fix it. I'm pretty sure something with the gardening also caused an error where I couldn't save my game... Definitely not getting University pack, or any other pack, until this is fixed. Everything was working fine before this damn patch. Well, except consistent whim fulfillment, but that wasn't fixed.
  • I've already recovered previous save to restore items, found workarounds before I even saw the thread on bug. Issue is selling all items daily that can't use defeats the purpose of gardening and florist career, especially when some items don't grow except in certain seasons, meaning I would not be able to craft some flower arrangements at any given time as I was doing.. Problem with moving items into household inventory is that you have to drop items on floor one at a time and when you have multiple items it becomes more than a hassle. Also, some items are not being recognized when putting in Sim inventory and taking to another location. I've also noticed that since this bug came in that now my freelance photographer sim is back to not having stuff counted after conditions are met on career and just discards response as others say getting collectibles is also not working right and not showing appropriately as getting them.

  • As a gardener in all my games except one vampire one, the bug where I harvest and once I've saved and come back they are all gone is a bit too much. I really can't play one of my vampires who lives off plasma fruit and that's just sad. At least my other sims can either make food without fresh ingredients or in the other vampire's case live off people as she has been.

    I can live with all the other problems until they are fixed. To avoid dealing with the taunting from being in different schools ruining the relationship between my twin sims I sent the one I started with to the other college so now she can do both cheers and I think it's funny. I'm frustrated with the book reading problem,  but there are other aspirations I can do until its fixed.

    Gardening though, my favorite game to play has a couple where each one chose a different side of the gardening career. I'm worried about when I run out of flowers since I can't really pick more and use them it seems. It's just a big mess. I really hope it is fixed soon.

    I've tried to be patient, but it doesn't seem like any new patches are coming out to fix it and I've tried even uninstalling and reinstalling SIMS 4, having no mods, etc, but nothing works. Help!