Forum Discussion

Re: [FIXED] [XB1/PS4] Can’t rotate sim in create a sim

Let me also add this means I can’t zoom in or rotate the Sim to look at their side profile or back. The right joystick does absolutely nothing.

5 Replies

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  • PhoenixJR's avatar
    5 years ago

    I’ve noticed that if the right analog stick isn’t rotating my Sims in create-a-sim, by clicking on the “Save Household” button, then once the preview loads pressing circle ○ to cancel the save I can once again rotate them. Strange fix but seems to work every time for me.

  • KickinnBackk's avatar
    5 years ago

    As of November 2, 2020, this is still an issue. Seems to only happen with sims loaded up from the library or gallery, though I haven't tried loading from tbe gallery yet, so I'm just going off what somebody else said. This seems to have been a problem since at least June, which was 5 months ago (if not longer), so why there's not a fix for it by now is beyond me. The newest DLC I've added was the university one, but it appears as though it's been happening long before that. After 5 months though, you'd think they'd have a fix for this. There's been plenty of time.