Forum Discussion

EnkiSchmidt's avatar
10 months ago


ΜØŦĦ€Ř Đ€ΔŘ is a sims story in which the motherplant isn’t a captive in crater lab, but a crime boss residing in her own fortified lair. To achieve this end, I transplanted the Strangerville mystery into the Star Wars setting. One group of my sims is closely associated with mother, another group, led by George Cahill, opposes her. Given my setup, George cannot just wander into an abandoned lab and start spraying herbicide around, he’ll have be more resourceful.

Will he succeed in rooting out the crime queen and if so, at what cost?

Read on to find out!


I don’t like Star Wars
In this case it’s a coin toss whether you’ll like this story or not. It depends on what exactly you dislike about the franchise. There will be no space battles, but definitely sim on sims violence, organized crime, a military hierarchy and reflections about the Force.
When I started writing the story, I didn’t own JtB yet, therefore my sims spent the first half of book one in Strangerville, San Myshuno and Sulani.

I don’t know Star Wars

If you never heard the first thing about Star Wars, then surprisingly you need only two informations to follow this story: A space faring evil empire is bent on world conquest and there is a mystical energy field that connects all living beings. Some sims can tap into it to gain occult powers.
That said, I’ll make sure to give a brief one or two sentence introduction when a Star Wars concept, official character or organization gets mentioned for the first time.

I don’t like Strangerville
The chance that you will enjoy this story is very small. The whole second book deals with the mystery and unlike Star Wars, that only donated the setting, the Strangerville plot will always be present even when the sims are in different worlds.

Your sims’ names sound familiar
You’re right, of course. In addition to the Strangerville premades I borrowed characters from Detroit: Become Human and Fire Emblem 7, with FE’s Brendan Reed and DBH’s Gavin Reed being the link between the two casts. If you played either game, you’ll have a good idea already how the sims will act in this story. Their looks aren’t correct, though, and this being a PG13 forum, I toned down their cussing.

Is this the same story you currently link to in your signature?
No, this is an older one. The two tales are not connected (other than using the Star Wars setting).

Table of contents:

Book 1: Journey to Batuu

Book 2: Godmother strikes back

Book 3: The rise of O’Malley - WIP

(no pic yet)

  • While drifting into sleep, Danilo tries in vain to remember his home before the stormtrooper barracks (but he makes sure to curse Roan for having ignited that urge in the first place).

    Most of his time the little boys had spent outside anyway, mimicking what the adults around them him were doing. That fact - along with their his mother’s feet - was one of the few memories time and stormtrooper training hadn’t been able to erase from Danilo's mind.


    Of his mother Danilo only remembers her shoes. All adults back then had been shoes or boots to the children, because kicking them him had been their primary mode of interaction with the little ones.

    Asked about their his parents, young Danilo and Simon would have proudly crowed “Miners”, but that was only half the truth. Their His mother had been a water girl in a quarry, an important, but badly paid job.

    Sometimes Caroline would dig for fossils in her freetime, because some rich folks paid good money for those, to present themselves as scholarly (or simply to own a rare piece). On occasion she dug up a fragment of a fossil that paid for small luxuries for herself and her sons. Little Danilo couldn’t wait to harvest stone himself soon, enough stone to build a house for all the two of them!

    But then events had taken a drastically different turn…

    After the quarry’s owner died, his son came to inspect it, like he did with all his new enterprises. Caroline gave him water - and John gave her back a taste of life.

    Theirs was a whirlwind romance that no one, not even John and Caroline themselves, expected to last.

    But then, after John Spilph had finished inspecting his new crafting & trading empire, he returned the quarry. In his luggage he had fine dresses, sweets and… a ring.

    The quarry, that had once been the stage of Caroline’s misery, now was the foundation of both their happiness (and wealth).

    But there was one remnant of Caroline’s former life, the twins toddler boy, a constant reminders of her past and frequent cause for awkward questions. With little Danilo and Simon around, all hopes of starting over in polite society were doomed from the start.

    “Now what are we to do with you two? Send you far away to a boarding school? So that you can mooch off us all your life long?! Or… hm, accidents happen…”

    “No, that would be bad style. Ah, I know! The First Order is always looking for potential recruits! Kid’s almost are a little too old, but their his early life has made them him fortuitous. That should account for something!”

    And so John and Caroline sold the little boys to the First Order to get raised as a stormtroopers.

    In doing so the entrepreneur negated the potential money loss from having to raise his predecessor’s spawn, while at the same time scoring a small profit. A nice bottle of well aged wine, maybe a weekend at a spa, too…

  • Come morning at Jericho Josh and Eustace are the first to spot the raiding party.

    For a moment they both stand petrified, then Josh runs up the hill to warn those tribemates who are already resting in the huts, while his son dashes down to the beach to warn everyone else.


    Simon: “…no, really! I know I can do this! Unlike your Force sensitivity, my powers are active! I’m going to use them to repel those troopers!”

    Lucy: “That would be self-murder, Simon! You never had any instruction that went beyond the stories we were told as children!”

    Simon: “Maybe. But I’m done fleeing and hiding. My mother sold me into slavery when I was little and of my sibling I don’t even remember whether they were a brother or a sister. Jericho is my home, and my only family. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you all!”

    Lucy: “Alright, then. If your conviction is that strong, then I’ll stay with you. Maybe having another force sensitive within reach will bolster your abilities.”

    Simon: “Thank you, Lucy. - Hey, you, down there! Turn back! You cannot pass! Go back to Mua Pel’am base! You cannot pass!

    Stormtrooper 1: “We cannot pass.

    Stormtrooper 2: “Yes, because that naked hippie is standing in the way. Let’s arrest him first and then the way is clear!”

    Simon: “You cannot even approach! Shoo! Shoo!

    Simon is indeed a talented force user, who only lacks formal training. With a simple “You shall not pass” he has the stormtroopers petrified.

    Granted, they do not turn back, but neither do they find the will to advance.

    Frozen in time they just stand there.

    Simon doesn’t know that the Force is doing only half of the work here. His mind trick wouldn’t work on just any First Order soldier, only on this particular batch that is commanded by Lieutenant PL-600.

    The stormtroopers hear their Lieutenant’s voice coming from an almost exact image of that man. Simon’s eye color is a little deeper than Danilo’s, and he doesn’t have that one’s prominent scars, but other than that it is as if the Lieutenant stood there, issuing orders to his men.

    Conditioned almost from birth, the troopers simply cannot not obey.

    The minutes tick away, allowing the people of Jericho to make their escape into the jungle. They are even able to take some possessions with them that will help them survive.

    But eventually Simon’s strength falters and the stormtroopers’ brains work through the ruse. They quickly overpower the exhausted force user and drag him to the beach… where they also find two of the missing aqua jets and the remains of the third.

  • Back at Mua Pel’am base, Simon gets put into a bathrobe and led before two non-commissioned officers. Unlike their numbered subjects, these two go by individual names: ST-300 is Rika and SW-320 is David. They run the base’s everyday affairs in their Lieutenant’s absence.

    Rika: “For stealing the aqua jets you are hereby sentenced to labor until the debt is paid off, or a minimum of five years. However, impersonation, and of a First Order officer no less, is punishable by death!”


    Simon: “I didn’t impersonate your commander! I look like this from birth!”

    David: “From birth to death, then.”

    Simon: “I didn’t impersonate your commander!

    David: “So then you must BE our commander.”

    Simon: “You want me to say “yes” so that you can justify that bogus sentence..”

    David: “`t was worth a try. Now don’t give us anymore trouble if you do not want to acquire the same scar as our Lieutenant! - Troopers! Put him in a cell in the basement for now!”

    Down in the holding cells… Simon finds that he isn’t alone. There is a presence in one of the cells and with his last strength the prisoner imprints the idea to put the newcomer to the already present captive in the guard’s mind. Whoever this person is, anybody who got on the wrong foot of the First Order is a potential ally for Simon, even if they turn out to be a stormtrooper in detention for shoddy bedsheets or something along those lines.

    Hank: “Oh, no… Please not another round of Dark Jedi mumbo jumbo. Cue the lightning bolts and finish it already!”

    Simon: “What? I don’t follow…?”

    Hank: “You glued a prisoner tag to your face and waltz in here all downtrodden, but you’re still looking like yourself, Lieutenant.
    What’s the story to be? Your men staged a mutiny and tossed you in here? Because they want to burn down all villages in the vicinity, but you said No? I’m to be all sympathetic and help you regain control so we can be the good evil oppressors from now on? Something along those lines?”

    Simon: “I DO look awfully like their Lieutenant, yes? But I assure you I’m not! And there’s no more village left to burn down, I’m afraid…”

    R6-TV: *warble, warble?*

    Hank: “Yeah, I noticed that, too. He does not quite sound like Danilo.”

    Additionally, where Danilo was always poised to attack, this man looks poised to flee in his first impulse, even if only to find a better tactical position. Either Danilo has put a LOT of effort into this act, or Hank is dealing with a fellow prisoner indeed. And the rebel veteran has just the idea how to discern the truth.

    Hank: “Sit down on the other cot, Not-Danilo, will you? Aresix… it’s movie time!”

    R6-TV instantly knows what memory to replay: The one where the dolphins had rescued him from the ocean floor and delivered to Lt. PL-600. The droid starts with himself surfacing, and then zooms in closer whenever Danilo’s face is clearly visible, fast-forwarding frames that show only dolphins.

    Simon watches with wonder - and then with longing.

    “This… this is my brother, right? My twin brother! And you said he was a dark side user? But how can that be? He looks so at peace, playing with the dolphins! And… by the Force, did you see those scars?! What must he have been through… “

    Simon extends a hand as if to caress the image of his twin. At this point of the replay Roan comes into view.

    Simon: “Oh, look! My brother… Danilo, was it? He’s made a friend! And he looks just as gentle as Danny! Hey, do you think they may be a couple?”

    Hank: “That’s my son, Co…Roan Ren. A professional killer and disciple of the Dark Side. Family, ey?”

    Simon: “No, Hank, don’t dismiss them so easily! There’s still good in them! There must be! I… I just know it!”

    Simon: “Thank you, dear droid!”

    R6-TV: *Beep! Beep!*

    Simon: “Yes, I’m aware. But that’s no reason to be ungrateful.”

    Hank: “You can understand what Aresix is saying?!”

    Simon: “Can’t you?”

    Hank: “Not always. The more I hear a specific sound sequence, the clearer its meaning becomes. But anything he says for the first time I have to guess.”

    Simon: “Beeps to the effect of “I only did my job”, memory projection being his primary function and all.”

    Simon: “Okay, this basement currently is the safest place for me to be. As long as my brother is absent from the base, they won’t execute me. I’m sure Danilo won’t kill me, but even so I’d rather meet him on my own terms. Let’s get out of here, Hank and Aresix!”

    Hank: “Just like this. Sure. I wonder why I haven’t thought of that before!”

    Simon: “Haha! But I mean it! See, I have exactly two talents: Getting liked and running away.”

    R6-TV: *Beee-eeep! Hui!*

    Simon: “No, I’m not a gold digger! I’m a…” (stops abruptly)

    Hank: “I’m all ears.”

    Simon: “Well, there are things our village needs that we can’t make ourselves. And we aren’t exactly the most hardworking bunch, soooo I sometimes hike to Black Spire Outpost and… get stuff. Knicknacks. And when I do that, the Force is with me. It amplifies my stealth and persuasion skills.”

    Hank: “So that’s what a Light Side user is up to these days? Okay, that does it. The Jedi are dead.”

    Simon: “This Force user doesn’t want to die, though. C’mon, Hank, you look as if you were already forming a plan, now that you know about my abilities! Break it to me and I’ll do my thing on your cue!”

    Hank: “You’re not wrong. And admittedly I am sort of a space pirate at the moment, so I shouldn’t judge.”

  • Anybody still reading? We're a little over halfway through book one and I just wanted to mention that up until this point I was in full control of the story, but no longer. At this point I added JtB to my game. Danilo's, Roan's and Simon's alignment (and allegiance) were determined by random crystal finds, the outcome of quests and duels had to get worked into the plot, so for the worse or for the better I had to work with what the game threw at me for the book's second half.