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Seasoned Ace
3 hours ago

Cantrell: The Early Years, Part Three

Term Limits, a Cantrell: The Early Years Part Three Update
When Erik crawled out of bed early Friday morning, he was immediately aware his case of nerves had set in. Yes, this was the last day of his first term in university, and thankfully, he found his rhythm and was able to balance his career with his studies.  He was never one to suffer test-anxiety, so he ruled that out right away. No, this was the looming Award Show. He hit the music scene running and was now riding this cataclysmic storm surge of success, fearing he would abruptly hit a wall.  All Things Worthy was one of the finest pieces he had ever written. Pulled from his third album for recognition, this award wasn’t his alone.
Once again, he managed to draw a nomination for one of the most prestigious awards; Record of the Year which as it turned out was different from Song of the Year. Only the songwriter is recognized for the latter. On the other hand, a whole bevy of people shared in Record of the Year. He really hoped somebody would explain the difference to him, at some point. For now, he had just enough time to hit the shower and get ready for his first class. This was the last day of the term, for which he was grateful. Erik also had it in mind to go out to eat when all had finished up for the day. Pizza. Pizza sounded good to him. That and a nice glass or two of Von Haute Estate Meloire.
Last night, the group, taking a much-needed break, enjoyed the Spice Festival.  Willing to try new things, Erik quickly discovered overly spicy-hot foods wasn’t something he liked straight out. Brianna and Joey, however, did quite well with the heat. While the others preferred the entertainment, staying at the picnic table to listen to the gal busking, Erik and Kayleigh headed over to a nearby bench to enjoy each other’s company. Spending as much time together as possible, they were getting to know each other very well. He fully rued his previous missed moments, wanting very much to disclose to her, just how he felt. Sharing the bench with her, time passed way too quickly. Suddenly, they were no longer alone as the others suggested they all head back. Sadly, the moment was gone. Once again spoiled as if his siblings were running interference. That thought was troubling.

He also had the distinct impression, when Kayleigh leaned into him, she had something intimate to say to him, too. Consumed with the delicate, sweet fragrance of her, as if the scent lingered in his nostrils, he found himself smiling. 

Before long Wyvern Hall was bustling with activity, pulling Erik out of his introspection, quickly wiping the smile off of his face, lest some believed him daffy. Erik stood back and watched. A couple of students lamented oversleeping and ran around trying to grab a quick bite to eat. While there were four sinks in the joint-bathroom, there were only two showers. Erik was gratified he was up early enough to take a Soothing shower. With amusement, he sipped at his cup of coffee, observing the frenzy going on before his eyes. Draining the cup, he bid adieu to the others as he headed off to class. Today, he had two final tests. The morning was sticky hot, the sky overcast gray.

Turning in his homework, Erik left his first class, stepping outside finding he wasn’t alone. Paparazzi all but surrounded him. Smiling, he greeted them. “Morning, or is it now afternoon? Hard to say, the sun is busy playing hide and seek with the cloud-coverage.” Checking his phone for the time, he smiled again, making his excuses to the press that kept him front and center.

“Sorry, I have to get to my last class and sit another test. Thank you,” he said. Scooting into his class just as the test was initiated, Erik let go of the breath he had been holding.  The air-conditioning in this room felt as if it was on high. Erik quickly changed into jeans, so he could concentrate.  The Professor dismissed the students as they turned in their test papers and their homework. Erik again found himself standing in the heat. He drew out his Strad and bow and began playing with emotion. Music had a way of soothing his soul. Which he needed at this time.
So much on his mind, he knew he needed to share with Kayleigh just how he felt about her. He may only be seventeen, and she sixteen, but he knew what he wanted. Dreaming about it without knowing her innermost feelings, however, was a bit moot. Had he told her last evening, when he had the chance . . . Knowing full well, he feared letting on just how deeply he felt for her, since they were on a strict mandate to not let it out, they were an item. He had told her father they weren’t going steady, which was true then and still true now. A lot can happen in a year. The captain’s orders had him hamstrung. Once they were adults, all bets were off.
After a time, Erik realized the girl sitting on a bench across the way was Kayleigh. Jogging over to join her they watched the clouds, which were finally dispersing. “And we, again, find ourselves sitting on a bench. Cloud-gazing,” Erik said. 
“I can think of no one better to share my bench,” she said. “Hey, you’re awfully tense. Mind if I give you a quick massage?”

“Thank you, that felt great,” he said after a time. Taking her hands, he gazed at her and said, “There is something I wanted very much to say to you last night,” he began, when suddenly Brianna rushed over and plopped herself down next to Erik. “Hold that thought,” Erik said, turning to his sister, not seeing that Kayleigh reached up and wrapped her fingers around the phantom thought. Once again, a moment was lost. Erik swallowed his sigh. Trust the timing.

“You may wish to know that I ran into Mrs. Captain Golden, just now,” Brianna said. “I would cool it, if I were you, lest you bring undue attention on yourselves. Kayleigh, she was looking for you.”

“Here, trade places with Erik,” Brianna said. “That way we just look like the three of us are just sitting together on a bench.”
“Thanks, Bree, you’re a real friend.”
After the final classes were dismissed, and a quick change of clothes, all five headed over to Brindleton Bay. Next door to Millie’s Café was the Old Oak Alcove Pizzeria.  They were given a six top right away. Erik ordered up the Meloire and pizza.  One by one, their phones pinged. Excitedly they answered to find out each of them had straight A+s. A collective sigh of relief rippled like a wave as it  spread around the table. Quickly, each signed up for the second term. As Erik tended to his fans, and the Paparazzi the others had a lively discussion.
After a nice meal, each enjoying this moment to unwind, they paid their tab and then returned to the dorm.  Once again there was pre-term prep to be done. They all ended up in the girls’ room.
 Feeling the frustration of at least two lost moments, and likely more, Erik admitted, he went out of the room to work on his presentation board. Kayleigh followed him. “Are those hard to do?” She asked. “I haven’t had one, yet.”
“Not really,” he said. “You just need a reasonable knowledge of the subject matter and go from there.” Walking away from his board, a bit, he took her hand and gave her a suave kiss.
Standing quite close to her, he gazed deeply into her eyes. Screwing up his courage, he murmured, “I’m in love you, you know.”


All for now. Thanks for reading.