You're on a roll, Cath; Coastal Living is another super build! I think Maxis gave it a favorite too, right? :D (I hope I'm not wrong about that! :o )
"WrathofCath;12864667" wrote:
Hi Bry, thank you! Lol about being hooked! :p I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I haven't gone back to playing sims 3 since I started playing the new game. :o I really didn't see myself doing that! I am Absolutely Not finished with TS3 but I think I'm just having fun with the new toys. :p
Sad to say, I'm definitely finished with TS3. Much as I miss some elements from it, I was very ready to move on. I especially regret not actually *playing* it more. I spent so much time building, that there was a ton of game content I never got I never even tried the firefighter career! :\ Hope they'll gen that one up in TS4 again so I get a second chance. :p I haven't played much in TS4 either yet, not just because I'm into the building aspect but also because of the lack of any story progression. I can't stand the thought of the other simmies in town just aging and dying without my intervention, but there's no way I'm going to play all of them just to keep 'em going! Really hoping EA will implement at least a bare bones SP.