5 years ago
**** Oasis Landing Pad (Sims 4 Edition) ****
Oasis Landing Pad (Sims 4 Edition)
3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths
Good Schools/Natural Lighting/Private Home
This ultra-modern family home features a master bedroom, two children's rooms, a study, three full bathrooms, a utility room, a kitchen, and an open living room, a dining room, lounge, and a game area. A large, partially enclosed pool and a raised patio are also featured. Lush, original landscaping puts the finishing touches on this home. Whether you intend to live here or rent it as a vacation party house, you'll be sure to enjoy yourself.
NOTE: I originally created this home in Sims 3, shortly after the "Into the Future" pack released. Since we now have platforms and the ability to raise floors within a room, I had the tools to recreate it for Sims 4. The original Sims 3 edition was featured by Maxis in the gallery, and I figured some of you might remember it. So, here's the updated version.
For comparison, here's the link to the original Sims 3 version.
Gallery Link
Images Link
3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths
Good Schools/Natural Lighting/Private Home
This ultra-modern family home features a master bedroom, two children's rooms, a study, three full bathrooms, a utility room, a kitchen, and an open living room, a dining room, lounge, and a game area. A large, partially enclosed pool and a raised patio are also featured. Lush, original landscaping puts the finishing touches on this home. Whether you intend to live here or rent it as a vacation party house, you'll be sure to enjoy yourself.
NOTE: I originally created this home in Sims 3, shortly after the "Into the Future" pack released. Since we now have platforms and the ability to raise floors within a room, I had the tools to recreate it for Sims 4. The original Sims 3 edition was featured by Maxis in the gallery, and I figured some of you might remember it. So, here's the updated version.
For comparison, here's the link to the original Sims 3 version.
Gallery Link
Images Link