I‘m currently enamored with my historical save, but also want to try some of the new scenarios, so I thought why not combine these? This thread will document my scenario gameplay - with some set dress...
Soon as spring had arrived not only in name, but the weather was reflecting the season, too, the settlers held a spring fair.
Their little festival ground had grown a little every year, and this time around there was a new merry-go-round (powered by John Phillips’ indentured servants via a winch hidden in the tower right behind the carousel). There were archery and bowling competitions, horseshoe-tossing, Topple the Llama, swings and Hervè Bouleau’s curio tent. When the festivalgoers got tired from all of these, they could visit the beer tent or Mr. Phillips pork grill.
At the first day of the festival everything was free. (Because this is really the “Night in town” surprise holiday).
The spring fair 1762 was when the twins had their first real beer, a special occasion made all the more special by the fact that the beer was real good.
After a little over a year of schmoozing the man, Leonardo finally won Lt. Anderson’s trust. (The secret was to catch Anderson in a conversation with a non-famous sim – Geoffrey Landgraab in this case - and then join the conversation by talking to that one.)
The boy felt validated like never before, as if nothing could go wrong from this point on. That’s why what happened next hit him all the harder:
Leonardo was still lingering at the festival grounds after bis parents had left already. Suddenly a messenger boy handed him a note from Pablo, telling him to come home, and how much hard work the man had put into raising his baby boy.
Pablo: “You came! You really came!”
Leonardo: “Of course I came. I wasn’t in London, but at the festival grounds, father! And, really, I’m fourteen, not a child anymore.”
Pablo: “Your sister is no longer a child. You, on the other hand, will always stay one. Look, I know it’s not your fault, but we have to deal with the situation like sensible adults. Well, I have to be a sensible adult anyway, while you… Ah. God. I love you. That at least you can understand, yes?”
Leonardo swallowed hard. So that was his father’s impression of him? An eternal child, unable to grow up? Leonardo was the peace-maker, the crisis negotiator, the lad with the silver tongue, able to reconcile even bitter rivals. Alas, when it came to his own differences with other people, the young man’s skills failed him. Instead of replying something diplomatic now, Leonardo yelled:
“So what if I played a little too exuberantly with my old toy horse? Full grown men lay in the grass next to puddles of their own vomit at the festival! You can fall in that, for all I care!”
His outbreak was met with a sad smile and a hug…
To prove to his father that he wasn’t the village fool, Leonardo invited his friends to the Martinez residence on regular intervals now. If Pablo witnessed his son have age-appropriate interactions, he might get convinced that this son wasn’t a lost cause?
Despite being the youngest of the merry bunch, Leonardo quickly advanced to their leader. Some of these youths had very good tutors and during their get togethers they shared their knowledge with the rest, alongside their rich, deep and varied life experience.
…okay, maybe not quite rich and deep, but they understood each other ;)
Left to right back row: Kuuno de Ruyter (from Disco Elysium), Adam Chapman (from Detroit Become Human), Sagoyewatha (randomly generated spellcaster), Brandon Colch-Villareal (from the GT trailers) Front row: Leonardo Martinez (scenario premade) with Wolfgang Munch (GT premade)
But it didn’t stop there. One day Leonardo hosted a social event for major residents of Fort Detroit. The guest list included John Phillips (yellow vest, in the armchair), Laura Countess of Hertford (red dress), father and son Anderson and Doctor Landgraab (beige suit).
One of Leo’s aspiration goals was leveling up his Charisma and parties are the best way to do that. His reputation skyrocketed during this session.
Including Connor probably hadn’t been Leo’s best idea. Ever since the young man had written his one book, he deemed himself an authority on literature and wouldn’t tire of giving Jennifer tips to “improve” her own writing. Connor might no longer count as a youth, but as a full adult now, but he severely failed to grasp the difference of newspaper articles and novels.
So what was Sofia up to while her brother was busy socializing?
Since her parents sternly refused to buy her a chicken coop all of her own, a cow or a llama (Wait, what, what has our daughter just asked for? We must have misheard.), Sofia spent her time knitting. Starting with socks she advanced to sweaters and carpets and eventually was crafting cute plants and animals that had only decorative value, but were a well-received conversation starter.
The game unfortunately thinks she has already completed her aspiration. It’s the first real glitch I encountered with the scenario, all the others being general Sims 4 issues, not scenario specific ones.
Sofia: “When you marched into my heart, did you step in with your right or your left foot first?”
John (looking down): “Right foot. – Wait, what was that about? I never intended… Cut that out, young lady! Even if you were my age, I’d still be happily married! And take your hand off me!”
Haha, poor John! He climbed up that ladder just when Sofia tried a “Bold pickup line” on Kuuno and with the attic being so small, she clipped into John. One of the optional scenario goals is for one of the teens to score a date. Sofia being the family sim, I gave that part to her.
Sofia: “Ah, haha, my apologies, Mr. Phillips! You barged in just when I lost myself a little. My words were directed at sweet Kuuno here. He’s barefeet, as you can see.”
John: “Yes, he is. Because he arrived on a convict ship and has outgrown his old pair of shoes. This man is an indentured servant! A criminal! You cannot seriously consider courting him?”
Sofia: “Well, one has to buy him new shoes and I don’t see his current owners doing that.”
John: “Sofia, please… Charity I can understand and get behind. Being charitable is good for one’s reputation. But you’re taking this too far. Or this never was about charity in the first place, you’re only using that concept to justify spending time with this good for nothing. I’ll have to talk to your parents about that!”
Sofia: “Ours is a cursed love, right?”
Kuuno: “Cuno doesn’t give a…”
Sofia: “Cut that out! Talking like this was cute when you were ten or so! I don’t want a cute, but a handsome boyfriend!”
Kuuno: “Ever the artist, huh? That makes me almost afraid what kind of shoes you’ll get me.”
Sofia: “I couldn’t ever afford shoes. My parents pay me even less than your employers are paying you. You’ll have to settle for the low cost alternative to keep you warm!”
Kuuno: “Y… yes, w… wa… warm… Hot, hot, hot!”
The twins might lack money, but they managed to outfit their friend with hand-me-downs from Pablo just fine. One day Sofia gifted him a hand-knitted sweater.
Sofia: “You can thank Mister Phillips for that idea, by the way. I didn’t think of it myself, it was his suggestion. He reminded me that the nights are still chilly.”
Kuuno: “Phillips? So that good for nothing piece of pig droppings has a real use? Who’d have thought!”
I was prepared for drama, sweater-curse and all, but their green and pink bars increased normally after the gift exchange. Maybe because they are not officially going steady at this point? Haha, sorry, John, you won’t get them separated that easily!
Anyway, the screenshot shows that both teens have their “aspiration completed” checkmark now. Next they need to get an A or F each. Ambitious Leonardo will aim for that A, while homemaker Sofia will shoot for the F.
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