I‘m currently enamored with my historical save, but also want to try some of the new scenarios, so I thought why not combine these? This thread will document my scenario gameplay - with some set dress...
The Martinez were well off, but to afford good tutors for their son they had to pool their money with that of other settlers. The resulting arrangement everyone called “school”, despite it not being a proper building like the grammer school, but a gathering of young men at a different residence every day.
While Leonardo attended this school, Sofia stayed home and learned everything a frontier wife needed to know. Often when both her brother and parents were out Kuuno kept Sofia company.
If only Pablo and Jennifer could have seen what a well-mannered person the former criminal had become:
Not just kept he a polite distance from Sofia when they were chatting (see previous screenshot), at one time he even threw himself at her feet!
Leonardo: “…and he assisted in solving a murder crime and helped explorers document a giant monstrous praying mantis, but despite all of this, our parents still do not approve of my sister’s choice in a suitor. It gnaws at her. I’m telling you, Raoul, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day she ran away!”
Turned out Leo’s gut feeling was correct!
Pictured is an invitation to the “motive games” Sofia received from Kuuno. In the context of this setting that translates into Kuuno asking Sofia to run away with him and warning her that it would be harsh.
When it became obvious that Sofia wasn’t just late, but had no intention to return home, father and son immediately mounted their horses.
To the right Sofia’s current motives: Hungry, tired and unwilling to use the toilet at whatever place she was before she absolutely HAD to.
The men’s departure hadn’t went unnoticed. As they combed the forest near and far, there were eyes on them all the time and not all of these belonged to the wildlife.
When Leonardo was out of shouting distance as well as line of sight of his father, he heard a voice call out to him. It was Kuuno’s! (It’s a phone invite from Kuuno to Leo.) Still mounted, Leo followed the other through narrow passages and underbrush until suddenly his view opened to a wide open space. Leonardo blinked, trying to orientate himself. He didn’t recognize these particular parts of the woods or exact spot of the river shore. Only the lighthouse was somewhat familiar.
Leonardo: “Wait a moment – Lieutenant DuBois ? What’s Kuuno doing at your place? And Monsieur Bevvy, too? “
A retired member of the french military and their local correspondent, same as Leo’s mother was employed by the Boston Gazetter? Leo knew these men, not just by name, but in person! Bevvy sometimes filled in as a teacher and DeBois as a coach at the informal frontier school.
Guillaume: “What’s not to understand about this? Kuuno is an indentured servant and Harry bought him when he arrived here. It’s not an occult science, but simple frontier lore.”
The statement was true, of course. For some reason Leonardo had always imagined Kuuno working at a tobacco plantation or sugar press, but on second thought Fort Detroit didn’t have any of that. There were only the homesteaders and the trappers.
Leonardo: “That’s not fair! Kuuno and Sofia cannot just hide with a respected gentlemen! They should, I dunno, live in a cave or abandoned warehouse!”
Harry: “I’m used to Kuuno bringing crawlies home and keeping them as pets, but you all lost me when he brought first the girl and now you. Are you children looking for employment? I can’t pay you… I can’t even pay for the house’s upkeep. Say, what’s that smell…?”
While I was still uncertain how to proceed from here, upstairs a fire broke out and Leonardo raced there autonomously. No screenshot, since the DeBois household is unplayed and the house still has all the modern furniture.
The fire had been visible far and drawn settlers – some wanting to watch, others ready to lend a helping hand. After it had been under control, Leo’s father had talked long and seriously to Mister DuBois, but the boy hadn’t overheard any of what they had agreed upon. When father and son returned home, the memory of the kitchen fire was still fresh in Leonardo’s mind. Everything had been a little much, so it was hardly surprising that he felt DONE with THIS FAMILY.
Leo entered a Distant phase. I took the opportunity to switch him to the Villainous Valentine aspiration, representing his mean side surfacing in the face of recent events. If HE didn’t have a happy family, then nobody should! And what was to blame for the Martinez’s predicament? That cursed courting business!
The same evening Leo sat down by the fireplace with his father. His emotions were still all over the place and in the absence of Kuuno, Sofia and Lt. DuBois, he directed them at Pablo.
Leonardo: “What if we were wrong to give chase? Turned out Kuuno and Sofia would have been fine at the DuBois residence. I mean, we couldn’t know that beforehand, of course, but there’s so much else you don’t know. Like love! You and mother only life next to each other anymore. Why don’t you just go separate ways?”
Taken by surprise at the turn this conversation had taken, Pablo could only stammer that marriage was sacred. It was not the cleverest response and neither was it spoken in a tone that would have conveyed his authority, leaving Pablo wide open to another verbal attack:
“Yet you don’t treat it as such, you just let it unravel!”
At this point I learned that sims cannot “ask to break up with” with household members. Too bad! So next I had Leonardo “demanded independence” in accordance with his Distant phase.
Leonardo: “Then let me go! I want out of this asylum of a household, father! Give me a little money to start my own life, an early inheritance, and I won’t bother you ever again.”
Pablo: “Enough! If you don’t want to bother with us anymore, then go up to your chamber, spend your time in the forest or at your friends’ places. There are plenty of ways not to sit on each other’s lap all the time. Take the freedom you need, but before you do so, take one thing to heart: There’s freedom and then there’s lack of respect, such as you demonstrated tonight. Think about the difference! And while you are doing so - No playing with your toy horse!”
Leonardo: “No… horsie?!”
As if that would accomplish anything other than making Leonardo even more tense!
In their defense, Leonardo’s parents tried to mend their quickly decaying relationship starting that very evening. At first it seemed to go well, they were talking about their interests over a chess match, bonding a little. But then Jennifer turned flirty and they ended up in bed again.
The next day Sofia returned. Leonardo saw her first.
“Oh, just great. Even MOAR family.”
Leonardo didn’t ask what punishment his parents had given Sofia and she didn’t tell.
None, actually, since she hasn’t done anything wrong that the game would have recognized as punishable offense.
Maybe the sister had gotten off scot-free, Leonardo wouldn’t have put that past his parents. Not that she was the favorite twin, but at the moment Leo was something like an enemy of humanity in his parents’ eyes (or at least the thought he was), so by default even the lovestruck sister was an angel in comparison.
When Kunno showed his face again at the Martinez residence, Leonardo tried to convince him to drop Sofia. Why, even? In part out of spite, but in part out of a sense of responsibility. There was a faint hope, too, that everything would be in order again once that liaison ended.
Kuuno, however, only had rude words for the friend and his unsolicited advice.
In fact, Kuuno and Sofia waited for the adults to leave the house and then make out in their bed.
Sofia: “I want to be a good settler, so I need to practice household chores a lot. Help me practice tidying up real scrambled bedsheets?”
Kuuno: “Gladly!”
At this point Leonardo was in dire need of fun and being forbidden to whip out his wooden horse, he sat down at the chess table. He hadn’t moved a single piece yet, when his mother appeared from what felt like the other end of the Martinez lot to reprimand the boy for trying to dodge his punishment.
Leonardo: “I’m not playing, mother! It’s chess! Not toys!”
But Jennifer wouldn’t listen. Literally. She not just refused to consider Leo’s arguments, she simply let the words wash over her.
It was the last straw.
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