"Neashaleigh;d-989038" wrote:
Sul Sul!
I mostly build houses in the Sims. Occasionally I play but I find the game-play a bit repetitive so I just build houses and occasionally create sims. I have a couple of requests as a builder:
Please create a bannister to match every fence you create! Nothing worse than placing a lovely fence around a porch only to discover there is no matching bannister for the stairs.
Please create a range of curtains that will actually fit the windows you create. I hate that curtains just won't fit certain windows. There are times I want to use a specific window for my build and there just is no curtain or window dressing that will fit it. Super frustrating.
Please create more paintings for walls. There are a whole tonne of kiddy type pictures but not nearly enough variety for more mature wall decorations. I'd love to see a whole range of beautiful flower and plant pictures as well as more abstract and realistic, maybe even some impressionism paintings that I can adorn the walls with. I know Sims can paint these and put them on the walls, but when I build, I like to decorate the walls nicely.
I would love to be able to place stairs on an angle. In fact, angle building needs an overhaul. It's clunky and frustrating when trying to place furniture on the angle. Windows get elongated, cabinets don't click together, curtains go out of shape... it's a nightmare. And don't even get me started on roof placements!
Can we please have the ability to create ponds using the terrain tool? I loved that feature in Sims 3...
Upper kitchen cupboards to match lower kitchen cupboards.
And while we're at it... how about cabinets that match the bars so we can make longer bars???
So that's a few I can think of now. Feel free to add any you think of too.
Dag Dag :smiley:
For the most part I 100% agree with your requests. However I have a quick question. When you mention banister, are you asking for stair railings to match the fencing? Banisters are already apart of the stair railings, so I was guessing thats what you meant but I'm still slightly unsure. If that's what you are asking for, stair railings to match fencing then yes count me in.
What I'd like is banisters at least a couple of them to be more substantial and ornate. Perhaps with a light on it or at least a placeable light.
This is what I mean by substantial
I think also a bit more wrought iron as well