Wrench WashBurn
Wrench was created by Misty Washburn and since his arrival has been treated as part of the family. He is very close to Misty, Ivan, and Ellery but has always wanted something more. This led him to really delve into developing his culinary skills so he could help Misty in her endeavor to open up her steampunk bakery. Things were going great until he got an unexpected present through alien abduction. His daughter, Mesh. Being a parent is hard, but it was also something he has always craved. What does this mean for his life, he isn't sure yet, but he's just happy to have his daughter and know that the rest of the Washburn family has already accepted her as one of their own.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Good, Geek
Completed Aspirations:
Current Aspiration:
Master Chef
Big Happy Family
Essence of Flavor
Quick Learner
Creator: Misty Washburn
Daughter: Mesh Washburn
Family: Ivan and Ellery Washburn