Moving In (Secrets)
After graduating from university, Misty felt the weight of her future. Though originally she planned to get a second degree, she realized that she wasn't ready to go through the intensity of school especially with marriage on the horizon. So Instead she decided to get into the workforce. She bought a piece of land in Newcrest and immediately became overwhelmed at the prospect of building her house.
She called Ivan over and after some discussion, the pair decided to move in together and combine their money to buy a home. They two went window shopping and Misty fell in love with the Himeka Home. She was set on owning the home, though it was outside their budget. Ivan was conflicted, but Misty assured him that she had a high paying job offer in the computer science field and they could take out a loan then pay it back.
He agreed and they bought their new home.
Soon after they moved in, Misty discovered her fiance had a secret. Back while they had been dating, Ivan had been a serial romancer and had been seeing another woman. Misty was devastated. Ivan assured Misty that was part of the past and he was fully committed to her now, but Misty was unsure if she could trust him.
Since the couple had just bought a house together, Misty was reluctant to break things off. Ivan was set on proving his commitment to Misty after coming clean. The pair decided to delay getting married and see how things go between them. Misty threw herself into her demanding but highly profitable job at Obscure Laboratories while Ivan quit his job as a pizza delivery man and when into the art critic line.