Getting Famous
Ivan start as his new job was lackluster, but eventually, he began publishing small books, focusing on short stories and poems. As he did, he noticed he got more and more attention. At first, he didn't particularly care, but with the fame he started getting more money and stability. Fame definitely had its perks. Things really started taking off when he decided to do his first screenplay. Despite that, his success didn't stop him from trying to fix his relationship with Misty.
He took her out and listened to her problems at work and tried to be a supportive fiance. Misty began opening up to him again and soon he was sure that maybe marriage was getting closer. There was still a strain, the woman he had seen back when Misty was in university kept calling, but he declined her calls, but he knew it irked Misty whenever she called.
Roomie Returns
Their old roommate returned from his family emergency and they trio began hanging out once more. But their friend had changed while he had been gone. It came as a shock to Misty when one day as she was working from home their roomie began to blow kisses at her and serenaded her.
She told him she wasn't interested without even a second of hesitation. Still, he persisted, stating he had always had feelings for her but kept them hidden. It wasn't until the death in his family that made him realize he had to grasp the moment. Again she refused. Pointing out they were both in relationships.
After that, he grew angry. Ivan returned home and the subject was dropped, but the roommate was angry for the rest of the day, being mean to her. Eventually, she pulled him aside and told him to stop. She valued their friendship and knew he had gone through a hard time recently, but she was committed to Ivan. Finally, he dropped it, but their pair was uncomfortable with each other for a while.
Misty thought about telling Ivan but worried about damaging the two's friendship, so she kept it to herself, promising to bring it up again if it happened again. Besides she had to sort out her own feelings. Ivan and her had been rocky but things were smoothing out and he had shown he was completely devoted to her. She figured it was probably time to let go of the past and look forward to the future.
With that in her thoughts, Misty began working on her newest robot, Servo.