Some of my suggestions for the upcoming Magic Pack is a combo of some of the features of past Making Magic Iterations. I have a few new type suggestions as well. New ideas for Witches 1. Div...
For a sim to be able to do Magic, it should be a Life State, Mystic Trait, CAS only or Cheat, or The trait is genetic, and dominant, However, the trait could also be dormant upon birth, and maybe awaked my another sorcerer with Level 10 Mysticism.
Mysticism would be one of Several new skills, the belief you can wield and are worthy to wield such power. Sims who are Mystics and master the mysticism Skill will wield great power.
Humans, maybe able to accomplish menial/basic spells in comparison, and other Supernaturals may have other exclusive spells to play with.
Magic isn't physical, or intellectual, It's emotional, you have to focus your entire will, you have to mean it. So Emotions should influence Spells, Success Rates and Strength/Weakness.
Focused, Inspired, Energized and Confident: Should prove the most Strongest and Successful emotions to cast spells in.
Happy and Fine: these generic emotions hold no strength or success boost.
Flirty, Dazed, Playful: You are distracted and casting spells while distracted could go either way in terms in success or failure. Casting/Crafting Curses and Potions may not go as planned.
Sad, Uncomfortable, Embarrassed, Tense: should be the most weakest and failed spells.
Anger: Your magic will be strong, but casting magic out of anger comes with great risk. You could end up hurting your enemy, and perhaps that's the goal. However a loved one could get hurt along the way, and more importantly, you could hurt yourself.
And Finally magic should Draw from a Sim's "Energy Gauge" Mystics have double the amount of energy than the average sim. I don't think a "Magic Meter" or a Magic Gauge to measure how much magic energy a Mystic has is necessary, it should feed from a Sim's "energy" alone.
I would like all the varieties of Practitioners of Magic out there, so we all can each create our own style of Magic and how we want to play. Like in Cats and Dogs, we have Different breeds of Cats, and Dogs, we should have the different "Breeds" of Mystics. And maybe each would provide a Skill boost in an area of Magic.
Witch (Provides a Skill boost in Dark Magic) Wizard (Provides a Skill boost in Light Magic) Alchemist (Provides a Skill boost in Alchemy, Creating, Potions, Curses, Elixirs, and Poisons) Enchanter (Provides a Skill boost in Enchanting, Glamour spells and Transformations) Summoner (Provides a Skill boost in Summoning & Conjuring Magic) Druid (Provides a Skill boost in Elemental Magic) Prophet (Provides a Skill boost in Prophecies) Sorcerer (Provides a Skill boost in All Magic:)
*Note just because a certain "Breed" provides a skill boost doesn't mean they are locked to only that skill.
For Gameplay a Spell Book Interface would be cool, and I want, different Chapters of Magic. the chapters should be non linear, Meaning you don't technically need to Unlock Chapter 2 to move on to chapter 3 you can skip all the way to Chapter 10 if you wanted to. you just need to acquire the right amour of Magic points to unlock the chapter. Perhaps, Maybe your sim won't even need to open the book, and you can study things on your own. it might be more difficult, but YOu could study Elemental Magic for example by observing the weather, Nature, Observing a fire place enough times, may help your sim acquire fire magic, or study the lake and your sim will learn water magic.
Chapter I, Covers the "Introduction" and the basics of Magic, how magic works. Basic Spells include: Teleportation (Cloud Form, Dust form, Invisible form (Not like Ghost's Intangible form, can be seen at all when they fade out of sight). Group Magic - Magic that allows requires multiple mystics to perform powerful magic. - Long ago, Seven (Level 8) Mystics cast a barrier spell to protect an ancient powerful wand in a vault, your Sorcerer desperately needs/wants that wand. Your sim must gather six other Mystics, and unlock the "enchanting" Chapter, and perfect it, doing so, the seven of you together will be able to break the enchantment barrier. otherwise, you need to become a Level 9 Mystic or greater to break the barrier yourself. Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 0 Magic Points
Chapter II: Two Sides of the Same Coin The Study of Light Magic and/or Dark Magic. I'm not talking about alignments, I hated Alignments, I don't play stereotypical witch should look like and think everyone will make their witch look like this, and I think they're pointless. A Truly Good person knows how to justify when to use Dark Magic, and a truly evil person knows how to manipulate Light Magic as a weapon. Personally, when I think of "Light Magic" I don't only think of Magic made from Love, Hope and Faith, nor do I think of Dark magic as Hate, Anger and Greed. I think of Light Magic as "Sun Inspired" magic and Dark Magic as Shadows, Smoke and Actual Darkness. they should do more damage to the opponent or victim physically more than mentally. Examples of Light Spells: - Lux flare - Conjure a ball of Light and heave/Launch it at target - Smite - Launch surges of Light from the palms of your hands. - Protective Rays - Build a protective barrier orb of Light to protect yourself. - Diamond - send out a flash of light stunning everyone in view. - Nova - creating a core of energy, Release bursts of radiation pushing back the darkness. Examples of Dark Spells: - Dark Aura Blast - conjure a ball of darkness and blasts that dark energy at desired target. - Petrify - Immobilize victim with only enough room to breath, blink, and listen. - Cloak of Shadows - Shroud self the Darkness and to protect yourself. - Oblivion - Send a wave of darkness knocking out opponent. - Ominous Dark Clouds - Conjure a heavy thunderhead cloud to ravage the area plunging everything into Darkness, snuffing out the light. Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 5 Magic Points
Chapter III: Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 10 Magic Points
Chapter IV: The Elements Fire Spells: Fire Ball - Conjure a ball of fire in hand, can be thrown burst with fission once it hits it’s target. Ignite - Light candles, fireplace, fire pits, Sims, objects almost anything flammable Fire Ring - Turn up the heat, creating a Ring of fire around the Caster Fire Breath - Studied by Ancient Dragons, breath fire with the ferocity of a dragon.
Water Spells: Splash - Spin a vortex of water barraging them Ice Wall - building a Wall of solid Ice Deep Freeze - with a wave of your hand Turn a sim into an Ice Sculpture.
Earthen Spells: Quake - With a heavy stomp on the ground create sizable earthquakes, send sim's trembling. Mudslide - Create large pits of mud. Petrify - Turn victim to a perfect statue made of Stone Meteor - Call upon the heavens to rain down rocks of fury.
Air Spells: Levitation - Control the air currents to float in the air. (Click ground to display "Go Here/glide here/Descend") Dust Storm - create a cloud of sand Wind Storm - Send a rush of air blowing back opponent. Tornado - Spin a Vortex launching anyone and anything that gets caught in it’s wake
Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 20 Magic Points
Chapter V: Alchemy Potions, Elixirs, Curses, Poisons And I'm talking real curses, that could actually better or ruin someone's week, let alone life. (Still working on ingredients)
Potions: Potion of Health recovery {Appears Red} - Effects: Restores Heals sims of Burns, Frost, Shock, Illnesses, prolongs life by a few years. - Ingredients: x3 Apples , x1 Lemon, x3 Sage Potion of Magic Recovery {Appears Blue} - Effects: Restores 50% Energy. Overrides a Focused Mood for 3 Hours allows humans and other non-sorcerers spell casting for 1 hour. - Ingredients: x3 Grapes, x1 Rose, x1 Finely Crushed Diamond Powder Potion of Lost Memories {Appears Green} - Effect: Return Memories taken by other means. (Curses, Aliens, Vampires, Werewolves etc) - Side effects: Vary between a Minor to a Severe Headache for a 24 hours - Ingredients: x1 Blueberry, x2 Orchids, x1 Lemon Potion of Fertility {Appears Pink} - Effects: Will be pregnant with Children by morning, Flirty Boost for 12 Hours - Side effects: A Easy pregnancy - Ingredients: x1 Strawberry, x1 Carrot Potion of Strength {appears orange} - Effects - energizes sim giving them a temporary fitness boost to win fights. Lasts 5 hours - Side effects: temporary weakness once it wears off. - Ingredients: Sweat of Athlete (Sim of lvl 7 Fitness), Spinach, and Elixir of Prophecy - Effects: Grants drinker absolute power. for 24 hours. without exhausting themselves. - Side effects: - Ingredients: 3 Grape, Elixir of Enlightenment {Appears Purple} - Effects: Immediately Boosts All Skill Levels, and Inspiration. For 48 hours. - Side effects: Severe Post-Headache - Ingredients: sage, Elixir of Invincibility {Appears Gold} - Effects: Nothing can harm you, no vampire, no werewolf, no spell, no illness, Mother Nature herself is powerless against you. Lasts 72 Hours. - Side effects: - Ingredients: x1 Apple,
Curses: Vial of Infertility - Effects: Ruins the chances of conceiving a child. - Side effects: Belly Pain - Ingredients: 3 Orchids, A Pear, Tears of a Toddler Vial of Ravage Starvation - Effects: Drains Hunger, and Energy, Rapid Weight Loss, Weakness and finally Death. - Ingredients: x1 Mint, Lettuce, Sweat of Athlete Curse of Pride - Inflates a persons ego ten fold. putting selfish desires, urges and welfare above everything and everyone else. - Effects: - Ingredients: Curse of Gluttony - Inflicts an insatiable hunger upon victim for Three Days. - Side effects: Rapid Weight Gain; Slowness; post-stomachache once/if the curse is broken - Ingredients: x7 Grapes, x3 Hamburgers, x1 Roast Chicken, x1 Whole Cheesecake Curse of Lust - Locks sim in a “Very Flirty" mood for Three days without fail. - Side effects: Could end up, Single, Divorced, or a new relationship, Married, with kids… and post soreness… - Ingredients: x1 Cherry, x3 Roses, x7 Strawberries, x1 Banana Isolation Curse - Effects: Traps Sim within an object. {Requires Entrapping Enchantment… See Enchantments} - Side effects: Eternal Sadness & Boredom - Ingredients: An empty vessel, {Requires Entrapping Enchantment… See Enchantments} Sleeping Curse {Dark Blue} - Effects: Puts sim in a deep sleep. {On their back as if “dead” NOT with their rear end up in the air} (Even if you travel/switch households, victim will remain asleep). - Side effects: If broken, Nightmares & Insomnia. - Ingredients: x1 Jar of Honey, x3 Amanita Muscaria, x1 Daisy Flask of Avarice - Effects: Inflicts victim with obsessive, possessive behavior, and will Steal, Lie, Cheat, whatever it takes to get what they want. - Side effects: - Ingredients: x3 Gold Bars, x7 Diamonds, Flask of Envy {Appears Dark Green} - Effects: Like the Avarice Curse, the difference is, they will do anything it takes to get what doesn’t belong to them. - Side effects: - Ingredients: Flask of Wrath {Dark Red Color} - Effects: Inflicts the victim to unleash an irrational, uncontrollable, fury. - Side effects: Wicked (Respectable) Savagery with no apology. - Ingredients:
Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 25 Magic Points
Chapter VI: Summoning and Conjuring Summon Spirits/Ghosts, Vampires other Mystics, the Grim Reaper Other Sims friends, willing or unwilling, to your side. Summoning Familiars, again I wouldn't do alignments, I would say if we do this the should make magical creatures, like Spriggins, Imps, Flan, things that can fight for you, for you to command. Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 30 Magic Points
Chapter VII: Enchanting Glamour Spells - Making self or others appear differently, or better than they were. there are different kind's of Glamour spells Temporary: "Appear as..." - disguises the receiver of the spell as another sim, a pop up menu will show all the sims you can select to masquerade as. "Simderella" - The Spell that dresses you up ready for the ball. spell chooses from presets, or sim's Formal closet Permanent: "Beauty With In" - Casting this spell drags the receiver of the spell, into cas and it's essentially a magical version of cas.fulleditmode and you decide what their inner beauty is and bring it out. Cat - (Cats and Dogs EP) Dog - (Cats and Dogs EP) Mouse/Rat Fish (Fish in a Bowl) or flopping around like a fish out of water. Frog - Toadification, but into an actual Toad/frog Insect - random insect, could be a lady bug, butterfly, spider, firefly, bee, ant etc Human - Turn a sim human Vampirism - Turn a Sim into a Vampire (Vampire GP) Werewolf - Turn a sim into a Werewolf (Werewolf GP) Alien - (Get To Work EP) Mermaid (Island Living EP)
Other Enchantments: Animation - Brings certain objects and statues to life. Broomsticks (cleaning servants) Knight Armor/Mannequins (Guard the house/rooms) Unbreaking - So objects never break. Efficiency - Enchant objects to work faster. Reduce cooking, crafting times, no failure, excellent quality Levitation - cast on a carpet or a broomstick and enjoy the ride! Cast on self, or another sim, and fly away. Protection - Place barrier spells over Sims, objects, entire rooms, Entire Lots, & Neighborhoods Entrapping - turning containment objects into magical Prisons. - Common Urns - Mirrors - helps create magic mirror - Chests Personally I want to create things like flying broomsticks, and magic mirrors, brings in more of a challenge, instead of just buying it in the Buy catelog. Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 30 Magic Points
Chapter VIII: Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 30 Magic Points
Chapter IX: Divination, Predicting the future, although, I don't think this power should be about knowing what will happen, but having direct control over people's fates. So I could have my sim, tell another sim a "Friendly Prophecy" > "Good Fortune" or "Tragic Prophecy" as a mean interaction or something and then the game will make it happen. Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 45 Magic Points
Chapter X, Forbidden magic: Necromancy - Magic to raise the dead, If we do this, Zombies I liked that they ravaged the gardens but they didn't pose as any other threat like i wished they did. I wish during the day they would could be idle, but at night that's when chaos happens. They try to break into your house and you are in the fight of thine life. Use magic and other methods and fighting styles to keep them away.
Blood Magic - Magic that makes other spells more... Personal and more direct If you want True Love's kiss to wake the Victim from a Sleeping Curse, You need one drop of Blood/ or a strand of their hair or something from the Sim's True Love (The Sim with the highest friendship/Romance). Don't have the Heart to do it yourself? then either pay a vampire to do it or this next Forbidden spell will help you out!
Ripping Hearts - Plunging your hand into the chest of yourself/Victim and ripping out your/their vital organ, and behold you are now a proud owner of an enchanted heart. As long as you possess the Victim's heart, they are now yours to control, your puppet, your pet. From their actions to their emotions, they are considered Heartless. Creatures devoid of emotion, they can not feel sorrow, Happiness, love, or anger.
I need this spell because a handful of my Characters use this magic tremendously. One of them, is Based off of Cora, The Queen of Hearts from Once Upon a Time. She has more than just her Jar of Hearts but she has a whole room called the Crypt of Hearts under Her throne room.
Time Travel - Not sure how this would work, maybe there needs to be an update to the game and we can select where or when your sim's actions are a defining moment and holds weight in their timeline, and maybe the spell deals with the save file, and if you go back an time you can observe or change things, but if you do change you past actions something could happen in the present when you go back. it could be minor or major. like your entire house could be non when you get back, or you could be a ghost, and die from "never have existed"
Unlocking this Chapter Costs: 50 Magic Points
In terms of a Fashion and world I'm looking for a Medieval/Baroque Fantasy I'm My sorcerers are mostly set in the Aristocratic, Monarchy, Knights, Lords type.
So I want crowns, diadems, coronets, elegant gowns, suits, robes, capes, cloaks, family crests, armor, to the simple tunics, breeches, boots, corseted tunics and dresses.
As for the world literally a castle with a village surrounding it and a forest plains to explore around the village. and yet the clothing and the world still fits in a modern setting, Like if my Sorceress/Queen were to walk down the street of San Myshuno, in full regalia, Crown, medieval gown with a train, she would stand out, which she should, but it's still fitting.
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